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What's Happening December 2019 - Jupiter Does A Disco - Dinosaurs! - How to become a Cinderella - Celebrities Born in December - Transit Tracker: Custom Calendars for Your Chart's Key Transits - Rhyme & Reason Romantic Relationship Reports -- Join the Magi Society

Photograph: NASA/ESA/J. Nichols (University of Leicester)
Jupiter is Santa's pet planet.
It is the planet of good will and generosity so it often is highlighted in astrological charts of late December, at the time of the year when Christians celebrate Christmas and participate in gift giving.
The picture above looks as though Jupiter is decorated for the holidays!
Take a look at these other great photos of JUPITER
Galactic archaeologists say that dinosaurs were born on the other side of the galaxy. Check out this stunning animation that shows you why. It will make you think about the larger, longer cycles that humans can barely comphrehend and astrology doesn't even consider.
What's Happening in December 
Sun || Saturn December 3
Sun || Pluto December 3
Full Moon December 12
Chiron Station Direct December 13
Sun || Jupiter December 15
Jupiter trine Uranus December 15
Sun trine Uranus December 24
Sun conjunct Jupiter December 27
New Moon December 26
Best Days = 16, 19, 20, 23, 26
Other best days = 1
Best days for MONEY: 16, 20, 26
Best days for LOVE: 16, 19, 20, 23
These are good days in general for natalizing something of great importance. Some days are better for love and some are better for money. However, remember that your own chart is always the most important consideration.
The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR best days and worst days every month.
Some people aren’t born with Cinderella aspects in their birth chart. This doesn’t mean, however,that life will never offer them something better than cleaning the fireplace, scouring pots and pans, or running errands for evil stepsisters.
By choosing the right days to begin important activities and the right people as partners it is possible to “lock in” Cinderella aspects.
LOCK IN Cinderella Transits by signing a contract, starting a job, launching plans or meeting new people when you are having Cinderella Transits. The chart of the new event will always have a Cinderella influence on you.
This happens in two ways.
1. When transiting Chiron makes a favorable aspect such as a Trine, Conjunction or Quincunx, parallel or contraparallel to your natal Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Sun, (or the Moon if the exact time of birth is known).
2. When Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, or the Sun, makes a favorable aspect such as a Trine, Conjunction or Quincunx, parallel or contraparallel to your natal Chiron.
During Cinderella Transits you are more likely to meet people whose charts make Cinderella Linkages to your chart. Cinderella Linkages follow the same planetary aspect guidelines as the Cinderella Transits.
If you fall in love and make a romantic commitment or create any kind of partnership with someone whose chart makes Cinderella Linkages to yours (and there are no serious clashes) then you will in a way become a “Cinderella” or a “Cinderfella” since whenever you are with that person your joint Cinderella Linkages are enhanced. As a couple you will be Cinderellas!
Here is another way to become Cinderella-like. If the day you use to initiate a new contact or begin something new is a CINDERELLA DAY. When one of the Cinderella alignments is in the chart of the day, whatever you begin will have some Cinderella traits in its chart.
Get married when you both have Cinderella Transits and on a Cinderella Day and you will have a Cinderella Marriage!
When your birthday falls in December your special day tends to become overshadowed by Christmas. So, send best wishes to these celebrities whose birthdays occur this month and might not receive as many birthday gifts as others born in the other months of the year.

Entertainer Bette Midler born December 1, 1945
Actress Lucy Liu born December 2, 1968
Pop singer Britney Spears born December 3, 1981
Rapper Jay-Z born December 4, 1969
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg born December 8, 1946
Pop singer Taylor Swift born December 13, 1989
Actor Brad Pitt born December 18, 1963
French President Emmanuel Macron born December 21, 1977
Journalist Dianne Sawyer born December 22, 1945
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau born December 25, 1971
Actor Kit Harrington of HBO’s Games of Thrones born December 26, 1986
Singer John Legend born December 28, 1978
Superhero creator Stan Lee was born December 28, 1922
Golfer Tiger Woods born December 30, 1975
Novelist Nicholas Sparks born December 31, 1965

by Magi Bette
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Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society.
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Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.