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Happy Holidays! - In Retrospect November - December 2018 - Extreme Declination - For the Year Ahead 2019 - EXDEK Birth Planet People

Happy Holidays!
If you have little ones or just enjoy reindeer visit ReinDeer Cam
check the schedule for appearances by Santa and his elves!
May all your lights twinkle brightly and all your dreams come true!

In Retrospect
November was a very tough month for people who suffered through the horrible California wildfires. My heart goes out to those who experienced fear and disruption or lost family, property and pets. It was, to a much lesser degree, aggravating to those in Florida (and elsewhere) who waited for recounts and wondered if their votes were valid during the midterm elections.
The destructive power of Mars square Sedna in heliocentric, exact on November 10, was felt in some specific areas while the Mars square to Saturn, exact on November 8, added frustration and delays to elections.
The Sun will be parallel Vesta, Saturn, and Pluto the first week of December.
A positive shift occurs after the December 7 New Moon when Saturn is no longer applying to the parallel to the Sun and Mercury is no longer retrograde. Markets should rise once the “doom and gloom” mentality is no longer the main thrust of the zodiacal alignments.
By the 10th of December Jupiter is within orb of Pluto in the declinations. We have had Saturn and Pluto running in tandem in the declinations for a very long time. Jupiter should bring some wisdom to soften, or alleviate to a certain degree, the manipulative political mudslinging that has pervaded the media and business world.
After the winter solstice on December 21 the Sun will make its turn in the declinations and parallel Saturn again, but on the Sun's trip back north Jupiter will lighten the heavy going.
During Christmas week Mercury is added to the lineup in the declinations. Vesta is moving out of orb, but Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are all connected at the extreme edge of declinations.
There is quite a pileup of influences and activity at 22 south declination this December.
Take a few minutes out of your holiday schedule to implement end of the year tax stratagems or major purchases during the days closest to December 24 when Ceres, the planet of business, is well-aspected.
Overall, there is no date in December good enough to launch major projects but there is nothing horrible in the world chart to sidestep.
Extreme Declination
During the solstices the Sun reaches its furthest declination—23 degrees 27 minutes.
Below is the Sun on the 2018 winter solstice at its furthest point in declinations. In decimals this is 23.4 degrees which is the same as 23 degrees 27 minutes.

The Sun goes no further than this so when planets are lined up the way they are this December at 22 degrees the Sun will cross their degrees, go to extreme declination of 23’ 27” then turn on the solstice and again make an alignment by parallel to the same planets.
Some planets exceed the limit of the Sun’s path and travel beyond 23’ 27” declination.
This is called "extreme declination."
Approximately every 18 years the Moon will exceed the limit of the Sun in its monthly cycle. Mercury, Venus, Mars and other planets occasionally exceed this line drawn in the skies by the Sun and enter extreme declination.
The Magi Society said in their Love and Money book that a “Mars enhancement by EXDEK is a Super Sports Champion Aspect.”
EXDEK is shorthand for Extreme Declination.
Extreme declination is rare and often represents superior abilities in a birth chart.

Competitive swimmer Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, was born June 30, 1985 with Mars and Ceres EXDEK.
Warren Buffet was born August 30, 1930 with Mars in extreme declination (and probably the Moon, too).
Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971 with Mercury and Ceres in extreme declination.
Albert Einstein was born with the Moon (the ability to absorb information) at extreme declinations.
For the Year Ahead 2019
Jupiter will be hanging out in the far reaches of declination, along the Sun’s outer path, throughout 2019. The benevolence, fairness and good judgement of Jupiter should improve the tenor of our lives in some way since it will touch and uplift that nasty criticize-everyone, tear-down everything, use-people-for-selfish-ends Saturn Pluto parallel the world has struggled with for the past several years.
Let's hope that Jupiter can work its magic and persuade people to Make America Civil Again.
In late August through most of September 2019 there will be a quadruple parallel of business planets Ceres and Pluto paired with Saturn and Jupiter in the declinations.
EXDEK birth planet people
People with birth planets at extreme declinations have fewer transits to those EXDEK birth planets since extreme declination is relatively rare.
When planets, by transit, do cross into extreme declinations, these people can better utilize their special abilities.
If you are one these EXDEK birth planet people note the time periods below and ask yourself if you feel a bit more in touch with the world around you or if you are able to use your abilities in a more useful way.
Mars will be at extreme declination in April and May 2019.
By June 1, 2019 Mercury, Mars and Pallas will create a triple parallel in extreme declinations.

Ceres and Venus are EXDEK in November 2019
Ceres and Mercury are EXDEK in December 2019

The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar has dates chosen for specific activities
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Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.