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Science geeks and math mavens might enjoy this piece from WIRED magazine: Super Planetary-Motion Smackdown: Kepler v. Newton
In science, progress is all about building a better model—explaining more with less.
Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or does the Sun revolve around the Earth? Astrologers are still trying to avoid being burned on the stake of public opinion for using the heretical heliocentric system.
What's Happening in October 
Pluto Direct October 3
Full Moon October 13
New Moon October 27
Mercury Retrograde October 31
Best Days = 1,9,11,14
Other best days = 22,27,28,30
Best days for MONEY: 1,11
Best days for LOVE: 1,9,11
These are good days in general for natalizing something of great importance. Some days are better for love and some are better for money. However, remember that your own chart is always the most important consideration.
For instance, if you have a birth planet close to 20' 38" degrees of any of the Earth signs that planet will be impacted by a slow moving beneficial Pluto transit as Pluto changes direction this month at 20' 38" which means that good dates in October might be very good for you depending on which planet in your chart is involved.
However, if you have a birth planet at 14 -15 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn you might be affected by a challenging aspect from Saturn and this changes the picture considerably for you. The good days listed in October might not be quite as good for you as for other people. And the world chart's Sun square to Saturn that is exact on OCTOBER 7 may be especially taxing for you.

Someone who might be negatively impacted by Saturn crossing through the 14th degree of Capricorn is U.S. President Donald Trump. His natal Chiron is at 14.9 Libra so transiting Saturn will square his natal Chiron exactly during October.
Transiting Saturn square someone's natal Chiron is known as a Hailstorm Transit, a Poorhouse Transit or a Heartbreak Transit in Magi Astrology, dependent upon the context.
It comes as no surprise that this reputation damaging transit is approaching just as impeachment hearings are in the works. Because Trump's Chiron is conjunct Juno, the Saturn square will be complicated by other factors. False accusations or fraudulent evidence could be represented by Saturn squaring his natal Juno since both planets are associated with trickery and deception.
Here is a snip of the positions of the planets on October 1 for President Trump with the Saturn transits highlighted:

U.S. President Donald Trump weathered a similar transit in August when Saturn was retrograde. The peak of the final Saturn transit to Trump’s Juno/Chiron conjunction occurs between October 17-October 26.
We will need to wait and see what high crimes and misdemeanors the pointing finger of the DNC manages to dredge up this month.
The United States chart of July 4, 1776 also has a planet at 14.8 degrees Libra that will impacted by Saturn crossing through the 14th degree of Capricorn. That chart has natal Saturn conjunct U.S. President Donald Trump’s Juno and Chiron. This certainly explains the divisiveness that has arisen around the executive branch of government led by Trump. There is a segment of population that is blind, suspicious and even hostile (Saturn ) towards Donald Trump's charm (Chiron).
As transiting Saturn squares the U.S. Chart’s natal Saturn anything that was built well will stand, but anything weak will fall apart. There may be a breakdown of structure and rules (ruled by Saturn) that can't stand the strain. The framework of the Constitution could even be tested.
Here is a snip of the U.S. chart transits for October 1 with Saturn highlighted:
But wait! Transiting Saturn will square the U.S. chart’s natal Saturn around November 5 in heliocentric and square Trump’s natal Chiron in heliocentric during the days surrounding November 20. This means that October is not the end of this passing maelstrom of tensions. The condemning and accusatory aura of the Saturn transit could linger well into November.
Do any of these transits apply to YOUR CHART ?
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by Magi Bette
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Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.