Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
MAY 2018
Best Dates in May - The Past Month With Our Pal Pluto - Uranus and Chiron Cross The Line -There Ain't No Lines In The Sky

The ongoing trine of Jupiter and Neptune that peaks in May offers some great opportunities to create lasting peace and put down lasting roots. Anything you initiate or natalize this month will include this lucky rabbit’s foot of an aspect in the chart.
May 9 - 11 The Sun trine Pluto is excellent for projects that require endurance and a passion for success.
May 20 - 21 The Jupiter trine Neptune is enhanced by an alignment from business planet Ceres, so you will be able to buy your cake and eat it, too.
May 31 – The Sun is within orb of a contra-parallel to Saturn, so a responsible, practical, duty-driven outlook is boss. But, oh, the warm fuzzy romantic Grand Trine of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune (with a touch of fantasy loving Juno) may make you yearn to ditch work and head off on a romantic rendezvous.
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for May has dates chosen for specific activities.
Privacy and confidentiality are the territory of Pluto and Pluto is STILL parallel Saturn, the rules and regulations planet. Pluto is the planet of BIG money and Saturn is reining in the biggest moneymakers. Stock in Facebook, Amazon and Google, all companies making Plutonian profits, took a hit in April.
Speaking of privacy, this website uses NO cookies or other data gathering techniques. There are no data mining widgets, nefarious “like" buttons or iframe pages that can whisk you off to sites without your consent.
Pluto also rules sex and Bill Cosby’s trial for sexual misbehavior was another headline of April. Saturn tends to point out problems and criticisms. The daily headlines target issues concerning sexual behavior, personal privacy, and government corruption amid an atmosphere of non-stop criticism.
This miserable ongoing Saturn and Pluto parallel will be exact March 9, 2019.
But wait….there’s more!
The times are a ‘changing for social media, the internet and world of online businesses.
The recent attention riveted on the peddling of private information by social media giants could be a forerunner of a changing future as Chiron crosses into Aries and Uranus crosses into Taurus.
Chiron slipped into Aries for the first time on April 17, while Uranus will cross the line into Taurus on May 15. Both planets will do their retrograde dance a few times until they land in their new signs permanently in February (Chiron) and March (Uranus) of 2019. Both planets officially enter their new signs in the heliocentric system in early September 2018.
In April online retailer Amazon announced an upcoming 20% price hike in their Prime membership starting in May.
In April the capture of a 1970’s rapist and murderer highlighted the fact that access to online DNA databases is now a privacy issue that can impact our future family members as well as our past.
In April Facebook fell from grace as privacy issues were revealed. It was disclosed that personal data of Facebook users was accessed by an approved app, handed over to Cambridge Analytica to “target” users and even redistributed, causing a major scandal.
Thousands of people, in a panic, immediately tried to erase their Facebook pages. Other people, realizing that there is no “free ride” and that Facebook HAD to be making money somehow, simply sat back to watch the circus.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg didn’t become wealthy because people sent him donations from the goodness of their hearts. The company mined and sold data gathered from Facebook users, so advertisers could produce targeted ads and advertisers (and others) paid for that privilege.
After the disclosures of Facebook’s practices there was a call for government regulations plus a U.S. Congressional hearing and UK parliamentarian hearing in April.
Chiron rules a person’s public image, family or emotional ties as well as any relationship that requires trust. The DNA companies maintain databases for people to track family relationships. Facebook is a way to promote one’s public image as well to keep in touch with family and the public. Amazon now has a “family access” plan. Businesses take advantage of internet sites such as these to advertise and promote their products and service.
Uranus rules technology, inventions, discoveries and anything new as well as anything that is global, including mass media, broadcasting, and the entertainment business. Facebook, Google and Amazon depend upon the latest technology, are international, and are available worldwide. Facebook, Google, genealogy websites and DNA testing labs will need to do more to protect users in this brave new world.
Between 2011 and 2018 subscribers and users of Facebook, online streaming services, smart phone purchases and on-demand music downloads more than quadrupled.
Uranus first entered Pisces in May 2010 and after returning to Aquarius for a few months it made the permanent transition to Pisces in March 2011.
Chiron moves more quickly through some signs than through others. Chiron edged into Pisces in April 2010 for a short period of time then crossed the line into Pisces permanently in February 2011.
Yet it must be said that that there are no lines in the sky marking where Aries ends, and Taurus begins.

0 degrees Taurus is calculated to be 30 degrees away from 0 Aries. This creates a nice neat division of the skies into 12 equal parts for the sake of locating planets and stars as used by astrologers, astronomers, farmers and navigators for centuries.
0 degrees Aries, as well as 0 degrees Libra, however, are REAL points found with mathematical precision based on the movement of the Sun across the equatorial plane. The beginning of Aries is a point on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator meets the ecliptic plane marking the spring equinox.
0 Libra marks the fall equinox in the same way.
Due to precession of the equinoxes, however, these points in the tropical zodiac commonly used in today’s astrology aren't in the constellations of Aries or Libra.

At one point in time the constellations were the backdrop for these zodiac divisions, but now, after centuries, 0 degrees Aries has the constellation associated with Pisces in the background.
The Sidereal Zodiac of Vedic astrology honors the precession of the equinoxes, where planets will be approximately 23 degrees behind their position in the familiar tropical chart used by most western astrologers.
According to the Sidereal Zodiac Uranus is currently at about 4 degrees Aries and Chiron is almost 6 degrees Pisces.
Confused? Don’t be.
Just remember that signs are like ice cream and come in many flavors. Whether a planet is REALLY in Pisces or Aries is a bit like choosing between vanilla or French vanilla ice cream. Either way it still tastes great with strawberries and melts on your tongue.
Credits: Many thanks to for the stellar graphics! And for sweet treats.
© 2004-2018 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions
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Made in the U.S.A.
Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.