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Best & Worst Days of August - Special Notice for Clients -The Democratic National Comittee Chart & Scandal
August 1, 2: The Sun quincunx Neptune is favorable for health, wealth and lasting peace and tranquility.
August 16: The Sun quincunx Chiron and Sun trine Uranus. There are two outstanding alignments so you can double your pleasure and double your fun. This is a good time to launch something that depends upon favorable publicity or networking. Launch a new website, a new lecture series, a new movie or TV show. Focus on politics or international travel. Your own transits are the most important so if you have some great transits in August these days might be fabulous for you!
August 22, 23: Generally good days for most activities. It may even be a good day to make amends or ask for cooperation. The keyword is teamwork.
August 30 and 31: The Sun forms a T-Square with Saturn and Neptune that is peaking September 1 and 2. Saturn is the “bad boy” of the planets when it is aligned with other planets in the global world chart. The Saturn influence continues into the first 10 days of September. Plan ahead so you do not launch anything of importance in this time period.
EXTRA for CLIENTS: Send Magi Bette an email with special notice in the subject line to receive a helpful tip about planning ahead for September.
…When WikiLeaks released unflattering private emails from the Democratic National Committee.

"Oh, No! They leaked the email !"
Watching the political situation unfold in the U.S. this year is almost more exciting than watching Game of Thrones.
On July 22, 2016, the weekend before the Democratic Political Party convention, a slew of emails from Democratic National Committee members were released by WikiLeaks and rocked the party.
Coincidentally, this was also the same day that Democratic Presidential candidate, Mrs. Clinton, selected Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate.
The Democratic National Committ ee was founded May 22, 1848 according to internet sources.
It is clear from the chart that the head of the DNC (represented by the Sun) would be challenged by past mistakes while slow moving retrograde Saturn opposed the founding chart’s Sun. This was actually exact on or around November 29, 2015 but was within orb and applying in late July.
Larger Chart
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, was booed off the stage and quickly resigned after the leaked emails showed party officials deliberately conspired to sabotage the campaign of the other Democratic candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
There was much more in those hacked emails than the concerted effort to undermine the campaign of one of the Democrat's own candidates.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hinted that more information would be leaked. In an interview he said that:
“There’s emails back and forth also between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. So, you see quite elaborate structures of money being funneled to state Democratic Party officers and then teleported back, seemingly to get up certain stats, maybe to evade certain campaign funding restrictions.”
The heliocentric chart shows transiting Saturn parallel the DNC's natal Chiron in the latitudes through February 2017 IF we can trust the position of Chiron in 1848. Chiron wasn’t discovered until the 1970s so we have no verification of its location in the 19th century.
It is possible that the DNC will have long lasting reputation issues as emails and audio tapes are examined more closely.
In an ITV interview Assange accused Mrs. Clinton of having been among those pushing to indict him after WikiLeaks disseminated a quarter of a million diplomatic cables during her tenure as secretary of state.
Assange was clear that he timed the emails to damage Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.
Is this tied into Mrs. Clinton's chart astrologically?
Saturn opposed the DNC founding chart’s Sun exactly on November 29, 2015.
Oddly enough Mrs. Clinton had the highly negative “bad judgement” transit of Saturn parallel her natal Jupiter in November 2015.
At the same time there was a reputation-damaging transit of Saturn parallel her natal Chiron in the heliocentric dimension.
Saturn transits to Chiron can be seen in the DNC chart NOW and in Mrs. Clinton's chart THEN.
This is a troublesome transit that undermines TRUST and can erode a public image.
Mrs. Clinton began her presidential campaign on April 12, 2015. This is the birthchart of the campaign.
As the email scandal broke at the DNC convention SATURN arrived within orb of a SQUARE to the Chiron of THE CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN CHART (in heliocentric). This turbulent and very difficult reputation damaging transit will peak at the END OF OCTOBER, just days before the presidential election.
The damaging emails from the DNC were released right before the convention to do the most harm to the Clinton campaign. So far, the emails cost the head of the DNC her position.
Yet the real target is Mrs. Clinton and her presidential campaign. Whatever occurred in late 2015 might yet be brought to light. From the CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN LAUNCH CHART it would seem that WikiLeaks will hit the target.

"OUCH! That email hurt.."
The public may learn more when additional hacked data from the DNC is released by WikiLeaks.
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.