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MARCH 2018
Planetary Traffic Lights for March - Why An Expose On Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Misbehavior Turned Into a National #MeToo Movement
Pick your timing! When starting something important, making key changes, or crucial decisions it is best to examine your own personal transits.
Even so, some days are better than others in the world chart. In general, Green is good, Red means STOP! Yellow means is just like driving a car.
March 1, 2, 3
March 12, 13
March 15
March 21,22,23
March 25,26,
March 27, 28, 29
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for February has dates chosen for specific activities.
Why An Expose On Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Misbehavior Turned Into the National #MeToo Movement
Life in 2018. Turn on the news or look at your favorite newsfeed. A daily dose of the perils of sexual predatory behavior is steadily dished up via media outlets.
Here is a sample of this week’s headlines: “Ryan Seacrest Responds to Sexual Harassment Accuser Going Public,” “Woman tells police Steve Wynn raped her in '70s,” “Monica Lewinsky rethinks consent with Bill Clinton in light of #MeToo movement.”
On October 5, 2017 the New York Times unleashed an article outlining the sexual misbehavior of film mogul Harvey Weinstein.
In the initial expose eight women accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or rape. Soon, the New Yorker released a similar story. Some of the accusations from film stars and others were related to decades old incidents.
Scathing reports emerged of other sexual misconduct as women compared notes and said, "ME TOO." It wasn’t before long Harvey Weinstein was fired from his production company, suspended from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and his wife left him.
In late February 2018 the Weinstein Company announced it would file for bankruptcy after sales talks fell apart. If the 80 or more women who have filed complaints win their lawsuits against Harvey Weinstein and/or his company they will be placed at the back of line behind financial creditors.
On the heels of the Weinstein scandal other people began to discuss their unfair treatment at the hands of other famous or powerful figures in the film industry.
Filming stopped on Netflix’s award-winning series House of Cards after Kevin Spacey was publicly denounced due to allegations of inappropriate relations with an underage boy in the 1980s. Other accusations from a variety of other actors soon followed. Kevin Spacey was quickly replaced in his role as industrialist J. Paul Getty in Ridley Scott's biographical film All the Money in the World although it was in the midst of filming.
More scandals followed. Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, Matt Lauer of NBC, Charlie Rose of CBS and PBS as well as Mario Batali, co-host of ABC’s The Chew, left their prominent positions after allegations of sexual misconduct and payoffs to women went public.
In politics, Al Franken and John Conyers, Jr. as well as several other congressmen, resigned after finger pointing by a variety of women. One prominent would-be Congressman lost an election after the media dwelled on a report of alleged unsavory sexual misconduct forty years ago.
List of 71 men who fell from power after accusations of sexual misconduct.
After Weinstein’s sexual conduct hit the headlines it became a daily revelation to see who was next to appear in the line of fire. The #METOO movement caught fire.
Powerful casino mogul Steve Wynn stepped down as CEO of Wynn Resorts after it was revealed that two women filed police reports over events dating back to the 1970s.
Even Garrison Keillor, known for radio’s long running Prairie Home Companion and Lake Woe Begone wholesomeness, was a target of sexual misconduct accusations and was dropped by Minnesota Public Radio.
We could examine why Harvey Weinstein had his reputation and business destroyed by looking at his chart.
But why were the disclosures about Weinstein’s unsavory history a catalyst for what became the #METOO Movement?
The answer might lie in the chart for October 5, 2017, when the first article appeared.
The U.S. natal chart shows the Sun square Saturn. There was a Full Moon on October 5 at 12.7 Aries, which occurred almost the same degree as that square. This means that both the Sun and Moon of that Full Moon were square to the Sun of the U.S. chart as well as placing emphasis on Saturn.

Large U.S. chart compared to Oct. 5, 2017
The Sun of that Full Moon was conjunct the Saturn of the U.S. chart, while the Moon was opposite Saturn. In other words, one of the most problematic natal aspects in the U.S. chart was illuminated by the Full Moon. A Full Moon can put the spotlight on any planets that it transits.
Saturn represents anything from the past as well as revenge, hatred, control and dominance.
The stories that were revealed on October 5, 2017 were anchored in the past and outlined the way that film mogul Harvey Weinstein used his position of power (the Sun) to control and dominate (Saturn) women.
Simultaneously, both Saturn and Pluto were applying to a contraparallel the U.S. Sun.
Pluto represents lust, sexuality, sexism and power. It was the abuse of power to obtain sexual favors that brought down Harvey Weinstein. Pluto also represents upheavals and disclosures which fits well with the current #METOO scenario.
The Saturn and Pluto contraparallel may be the most important alignment because it has been a player in the world chart since 2015 and will not separate for the last time until after November 5, 2019.
Saturn and Pluto will be conjunct on January 10, 2020 while a parallel between the two planets is still within orb.
This alignment also explains the hostility and criticism (Saturn) leveled at almost everyone and everything that the country is experiencing. Pluto has much to do with propaganda and slanted media feeds have become the norm rather than the exception. In this case, the media has cooperated in giving women a voice to air their grievances.
The U.S. chart was ripe for even more trouble as both transiting Venus and Mars were applying to a conjunction with the Neptune of the U.S. chart’s Mars square Neptune. This meant that both Venus and Mars were also square the U.S. Chart’s Mars.
Transiting Saturn simultaneously squared the U.S. chart’s Neptune (exact on October 3) and opposed it’s Mars. This created a very forceful T-square focused on the natal U.S. Mars Neptune square.

See large chart
There is quite a bit of hostility inherent in this T-square with 3 transiting planets activating the Mars square Neptune of the U.S. chart.
Mars square Neptune is an aspect that can be like a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode.
The expose on Harvey Weinstein was that spark.
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.