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Jupiter is the Planet of the Month - Justin Timberlake - Planetary Traffic Lights for February
Jupiter - planet of the month
February starts off with the Sun parallel Jupiter and Jupiter is the planet of all good things that benefit our future well-being.
Jupiter is the cosmic Santa Claus.
Jupiter doesn’t mind getting dirty climbing up and down blackened chimneys or riding through dark, cold snowy nights to deliver gifts. It represents generosity, good judgement, optimism and hope.
Jupiter travels around the zodiac in approximately 12 years, so it stays in every sign about one year.
When you have a significant transit from Jupiter you might receive opportunities or favors, you feel more buoyant and are able to plan ahead more accurately because you can visualize the consequences of your actions. Jupiter’s benefits come more easily when one focuses on teamwork and cooperation, which is often seen when it is associated with sports. Jupiter is also associated with religion, with good works, and benevolence.
Some astrologers think that those with the Sun trine Jupiter in their birth chart are “lucky” but it might be a case of good thoughts attracting good things. There is something of a philosophical, tolerant nature inherent in those with the Sun trine Jupiter.
Justin Timberlake, born January 31, 1981, has the Sun within one degree of an exact trine to Jupiter.
His father, oddly enough, was a Baptist church choir director and young Justin began his career singing gospel music, adding credence to that Jupiter-religious influence.
It is obvious that Chiron was part of a mystical alignment with the Sun and Jupiter, since Justin Timberlake is in the public eye as a performer. This child star (the Mickey Mouse Club) went on to become one of the lead singers for the boy band, NSYNC, which propelled him into a Grammy winning solo musical career plus numerous TV appearances and acting parts.
Jupiter may have brought opportunity, but it is evident from his chart that he became a success due to hard work and diligence, too. Mars, the planet of work and effort, is trine passionate Pluto and contraparallel Chiron, too.
P.S. The Sun in his chart is at the same degree as the super blue moon eclipse of January 31, 2018.
Justin Timberlake’s latest album, MAN OF THE WOODS, is due to be released on February 2. Click on the link graphic below to order it (and help this website at the same time).
Jupiter is at 21 Scorpio as this month begins and will continue forward slowly until March 9 when it turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio. If you have a planet between 21 and 23 degrees of ANY sign you may benefit from opportunities or use the wisdom bestowed by Jupiter.
Those with planets in the heliocentric chart located between 10 and 14 degrees of the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) might be grateful for the long-term trine of Jupiter and Neptune. This trine is within orb now and will be exact on March 12.
Jupiter plus Neptune equals long term security, peace and contentment. This transit can help some people make very wise financial choices because Neptune rules long term assets such as savings accounts, real estate and retirement funds.
When starting something important, in general, Green is good, Red means STOP! And YELLOW means is just like driving a car.
Feb 1
Feb 3
Feb 4
Feb 7
Feb 11
Feb 14
Feb 21
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for February has dates chosen for specific activities.
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.