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Planetary Weather January - Super Moons of January - Get Inspired - Saturn in Capricorn - Dave Ramsey - Rare Triple Conjunction

We celebrate New Year with a SUPER MOON
Super Moon on January 1, 2018 = Full Moon in Cancer at 11’ 38.
A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit. The January 1 Super Moon is lined up in a trine with idealistic Neptune, making it an excellent time to consider annual resolutions and long-term plans.
Another Super Moon occurs on January 31 accompanied by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 11’ 37 Leo. The eclipse occurs with a conjunction to business planet Ceres, which is not surprising for those in the U.S. who will have new tax law changes to cope with that will affect their businesses. There is also quite a lineup in the declinations on that date. Not only are the Sun and Moon aligned in the declinations, but Venus and Jupiter are parallel the Sun, too. Money seems to be the dominant theme of this month with financial planets Ceres and Venus emphasized and helpful Jupiter adding optimism.
Cardinal Dolan pointed out the parallels between Christmas celebrations and the path of the Sun during a recent interview. The birth of the Son of God is celebrated as the Sun increases in light and that is the message of Christmas, that light conquers darkness.
SATURN is parallel the Sun until January 5.

SATURN entered Capricorn on December 19, so it is appropriate to think about being organized and smart about money and business in the year ahead. Saturn is exalted in Capricorn, which is the old traditional designation for the sign where the best attributes of a planet can manifest.
As a transiting planet Saturn can be difficult as it reminds us of our limitations, but in a birth chart Saturn represents structure, organization and ambition.
Author, TV and radio personality Dave Ramsey, born September 3, 1960, has the Sun trine (retrograde) Saturn in his birth chart and has become successful by showing people how to be frugal, economical and practical about expenses and budgeting.

Large chart here
Dave Ramsey is now reported to be worth $55 million. He has a Grand Trine of Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in his heliocentric chart, indicating a passion for financial success.
Dave says the secret of the wealthiest people is to get out of debt, stay out of debt and refuse to become enslaved by debt.
Would you like to get out of debt, become financially comfortable and use your money to ensure a prosperous future?
If you are currently struggling to make ends meet or want to beat debt, analyze your situation at this FREE website or use the FREE app:
This FREE budget program is recommended by Dave Ramsey, the guru of debt-free living.
If you really want to upgrade your lifestyle you should read Dave’s book:
The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
Borrow it from the library or buy it through the links above and help this website.
Pluto is also in Capricorn and if you want to become passionate about debt look to Pluto which rules great wealth and instruments of debt such as mortgages.
The Sun will be parallel PLUTO from January 2 - January 12.
After January 5, when the Sun || Saturn peaks, you will be free to use the focus, perseverance and determination of the Sun || Pluto.

A rare triple conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Pluto is exact on January 9.
This might be a good time, depending on your chart, to put your New Year’s resolutions to become healthy, wealthy and wise into action and see them through.
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for January has dates chosen for specific activities.
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Made in the U.S.A.
Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.