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Planetary Weather December - Fairy Tales: The Engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

December 2017
Hope your Christmas shopping is already completed and that you took advantage of the generous and thoughtful Jupiter trine Neptune peaking on December 2.
This December is not quite as jolly as it has been in other years.
This month you may need to put forth extra effort to stifle your inner Scrooge. Put a reminder on your to do list to be generous and kind to the Tiny Tim’s of the world although you might feel it necessary to economize, be thrifty and become more practical.
Dec. 1 – Dec. 5 - The Sun is parallel Saturn making this a poor time to launch anything of importance. Saturn transits are very good for organizing and structure, however, so this is a time to wrap presents or get your home neat and tidy.
Dec. 6 - 16 – Ceres and Pluto form a quincunx until the December 16. The 15th and 16th (when the alignment is at peak) is a good time for investment activities and business ventures. Consider implementing end of year tax strategies. On December 16 Ceres turns retrograde in Leo. The quincunx remains in place thereafter, but the energy is less powerful while the aspect is separating. This pattern won’t complete until June 2018.
December 16 - December 22 - The Sun conjunct Saturn is a poor time to engage in a new romance, make changes or key decisions. “Bah, Humbug” is in the air. Conserve electricity by putting Christmas lights on a timer.
December 16 - January 6 - Sun is again parallel Saturn. Bah, Humbug. Use holiday vacation time to organize your desk or clean out a closet and garage.
December 21 - The Winter Solstice arrives just as Saturn enters Capricorn. Saturn is “at home” in Capricorn, so rest assured its lessons will be lessons that everyone needs to learn.
December 22 - December 31 – Mars is trine Neptune, making this an excellent time to engage in creative or artistic activities. Mars is also parallel Juno, peaking on the 23rd, giving power and scope to our imagination and vision (sugarplums, perhaps?).
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for December has dates chosen for specific activities.
Fairy Tales

When a commoner is asked to marry a Prince, the story sounds like a Fairy Tale.
Everyone loves the spectacle and magic of a Royal Wedding. The November 27 announcement of the engagement of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markel offers a chance for everyone to enjoy a bit of that magic, too.
Meghan Markel ticks all the boxes, however, of being a not-so-traditional bride for a member of the Royal Family. She is American, an actress, divorced, of mixed race and a few years older than her groom-to-be.
Is Prince Harry rebelling against the family by marrying Meghan Markel or is this true love?
Let's look at the chart the Magi way.

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Prince Harry has the Sun in Virgo trine the Moon in Taurus, and Meghan Markel’s Chiron is conjunct his Moon and trine his Sun. Her chart accentuates one of Prince Harry’s best natal alignments and this is a powerful Super Romantic Cinderella Linkage.
In the declinations, Prince Harry’s Chiron is parallel Meghan’s Sun. Another Powerful Cinderella Linkage.
Meghan’s Chiron is trine Prince Harry’s Jupiter. Meghan has a natal Chiron quincunx Neptune, making this another Super Romantic Cinderella Linkage that is excellent for mutual love, loyalty and trust.
Meghan’s Jupiter is contra-parallel Prince Harry’s Sun which adds to compatibility.
Additionally, there are some powerful Sexual Linkages for saucy passion and the fulfillment of sexual fantasies. Her Pluto is parallel his Juno and contra-parallel his Venus, while his Juno is conjunct her Pluto.
The chart comparison ticks off all the boxes for a lasting romantic relationship. This non-traditional marriage choice has all the Cinderella Linkages that indicate true love and those fairy tale happily-ever-afters.
Nothing is perfect, however. There may be a few evil trolls and dark forests in this Fairy Tale.
On the downside Prince Harry’s Saturn is trine Meghan’s Chiron and square her Sun. This can indicate that he has tight control over Meghan’s destiny, so it is a very good thing that the two charts show real love. Meghan Markel will need to toe the line to join the Royal Family.
Her Saturn is square Harry’s Jupiter. This is a Nuclear Clash but balances out the Sun/Saturn clash by giving her some control over him. She may not fit well into the Royal Family. Luckily her Ceres is also trine his Jupiter and his Jupiter is focused in a trine with Mercury, so there is a suitable outlet for this negative energy, perhaps through joint charitable business projects.
A good wedding date may help this couple overcome these problem aspects.
*Animation from
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Made in the U.S.A.
Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.