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JULY 2019
Total Solar Eclipse - J.K. Rowling; The Fantasy of Harry Potter - What's Happening July 2019 - TRANSIT TRACKER: Custom Calendars for Your Chart's Key Transits - Sign of the Times: Digital Dollars Designed for Astute Astrologers? - NEW! Rhyme & Reason Romantic Relationship Reports- Join the Magi Society
July 2 - Total Solar Eclipse at 10’ 38" Cancer
The Moon will block out the Sun during this eclipse that is best seen in South America. This website will have a live stream from Chile.
The Sun will be parallel the Moon and Venus, while contraparallel Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto but will not make major longitudinal aspects during the eclipse.
J.K. Rowling - The Fantasy of Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was first published in the U.K. on July 2, 1998 as the second novel in the series.
J.K. Rowling, born July 31, 1965, is the author of the Harry Potter books that became a worldwide phenomenon of the late 90’s. The wizardry of Harry Potter made her one of the richest women in the U.K. These days she writes detective novels under the name Robert Galbraith, but the main character of this crime series, Cormoran Strike, isn’t as well known.
Rowling supposedly used the initials “J.K.” so that little boys wouldn’t think they were reading something by a female author. With her detective series she used a man’s pen name. It could be said that Rowling projects a fantasy that includes the name on her books, as well as what lies between the covers.
Her birth chart shows the Sun opposed by Juno, the planet of fantasy. Notice that Venus is quincunx Juno, too.
The Sun can represent the child of our bodies or our minds and Harry Potter was J. K. Rowling's imaginative Junoesque offspring.

Rowling's incredible wealth can be seen in the heliocentric chart, but that is a discussion for another time.
What's Happening in July 
Best Days = July 10, 13, 20, 21
Other best days = July 4, 6, 12, 24
Best days for MONEY: 20 and 21
Best days for LOVE: 21 and 24
These are good days in general for natalizing something of great importance. Some days are better for love and some are better for money. However, remember that your own chart is always the most important consideration.
For instance, if you have a birth planet at 17- 18 degrees Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces that planet will enjoy enhanced peace and tranquil energy from the transiting trine of Sun and Neptune that is exact on July 10. This might be especially good days for you to initiate something of importance depending on what planet in your chart is involved.
However, if you have a birth planet at 16 -18 degrees Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra you might be affected by the frustrating opposition of the Sun to Saturn on July 9, which changes the picture considerably.
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by Magi Bette
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$ign of the Times - Digital Dollars Designed for Astute Astrologers?

New Cryptocurrency is coming, and it will be called LIBRA.
Social media has become weaponized, and will soon become monetized.
An announcement on June 18, 2019 explained that LIBRA is developing its own digital money, described as "a new global currency designed to let people save, send or spend money as easily as sending a text message."
What the announcement failed to mention was that your transactions will be tracked as easily as "logging into Facebook."
The LIBRA Association consists of 28 members including Mastercard, Visa, Stripe, Kiva, PayPal, Lyft, Uber, Women's World Banking and Facebook.
Facebook is separately building a digital wallet called Calibra that is being built into Facebook's Messenger and WhatsApp to use LIBRA resources, which will give Facebook an opportunity to offer financial services.
Read between the lines and you will see that Facebook is a major participant. Despite the recent disclosures that undermined public trust in the social media giant, Facebook continues to innovate and look for ways to extract profit from its users.
The new LIBRA cryptocurrency, however, will be backed by real cash to avoid the disastrous artificial valuations and speculative trading of other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. A prototype of LIBRA has been released as open source code for developers who can incorporate it into apps, services or businesses ahead of the rollout of this new global digital money next year.
One year from now Pluto and Jupiter will be yoked together in Capricorn. Jupiter is the ruler of banking and Pluto the ruler of big money and power.
Depending upon the release date, LIBRA cryptocurrency could become a tool that will pry people away from traditional banking. Let's not forget that Uranus, the planet of global change, is now firmly ensconced in Taurus, the traditional zodiac sign of money and other forms of value exchange.
Between now and January 2020, when Pluto and Saturn complete a nasty conjunction, (while Earth and Saturn are parallel), it is likely we will see numerous instances of corporate greed. By the way, note that Microsoft ends their support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020.
LIBRA could become a useful tool, but in the hands of the unscrupulous (Saturn) it offers yet another way for data miners to access private information, ruled by Pluto.
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Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.