Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
JUNE 2018
Best Dates in June - Summer Solstice - Roseanne Barr Show Cancelled
“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” ― Dale Carnegie

JUNE 2018
Best Days of June
June 6 --- June 8 --- June 24
The summer solstice occurs June 21. During the summer solstice the Sun reaches the highest point of declination as it turns to make its way south.
When the Sun is in the farthest reaches of declination it appears to “hang out” at the same degree of declination for a longer time because the path of the Sun that we see from Earth is not a circle but an oval.

This longer path is evident during the solstices, in the summer and winter, when the Sun as we see it from Earth is about to change apparent direction from North to South and South to North.
The Sun will be crossing the long part of its path in June, so when it is within orb of a contraparallel to Saturn the alignment will last more days than when the Sun and Saturn are in the lower declinations.
The Sun will be applying to a contraparallel with Saturn until June 3 and again from the summer solstice on June 21 until the alignment is exact on July 7. By June 23 Mars will also be part of the alignment, so the Sun will be contraparallel both Mars and Saturn June 23 - July 2.
The Sun is opposed by Saturn on June 27, while it is also contraparallel Mars and Saturn.
It is a poor time to initiate anything of importance when the Sun is aligned with Saturn.
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar for June has dates chosen for specific activities.
Speaking of Saturn…
The return of the Roseanne Show to television was a huge success. The ABC network made massive profits from the revival of this popular 80’s show and committed to a full second season.
Then, on May 29th, ABC abruptly cancelled the show a mere 12 hours after Roseanne Barr posted a rude remark on Twitter about an ex-Obama senior advisor that was criticized and condemned as racist.

The Roseanne Barr show debuted on March 27, 2018 with eight episodes.
The show’s debut chart had numerous indications that it would be immensely popular; the Sun parallel Chiron and contraparallel Juno, Venus in a planetary eclipse with Uranus (Venus conjunct Uranus and parallel Uranus).

See large chart
BUT, the Sun in the chart was applying to a square to Saturn. This perfectly symbolizes the fact that the 2018 version of the Roseanne Show was a revival of something from the past (Saturn) but did not bode well for the show’s future. The Sun square Saturn in the natal chart of the TV show’s launch represents the controlling nature of those in charge (the Sun) as well as difficulties, criticism and failure.
Roseanne Barr was born November 3, 1952. Her natal Chiron (8.5 Capricorn) was conjunct transiting Saturn when the eight-episode reboot launched on March 27. The Sun square Saturn of the show’s debut chart was therefore tied into her natal Chiron, the planet that represents popularity, career and reputation.

See large chart
Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Chiron is not as difficult as a square or opposition, but it does signal a time to be ultra-cautious. Since the new TV show launch chart had a turbulent Sun square Saturn locked in with her natal Chiron this mildly difficult alignment turned ballistic when another set of transits pressed the right buttons.
On May 29th the Sun was quincunx Saturn AND contraparallel Saturn. This is a perfect set up for the world mood to be one of condemnation and criticism and this planetary alignment hit Roseanne’s Chiron.
The Sun was contraparallel Mars, too, which might explain the swift action of ABC executives.
On May 29, when Roseanne posted her controversial tweet, the transiting Sun was ALSO quincunx the Saturn in the Roseanne show chart. Saturn turned retrograde in April so had moved only a degree in the two months since the launch date.
Saturn's torches and pitchforks were aimed at Roseanne's reputation and career so she lost her contract with ABC due to an impulsive (Chiron) tweet.

See large chart
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.