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Planetary Traffic Lights for November - The Night the Stars Fell from the Sky - Thoughts of William Penn and Religious Freedom - The Gregorian Calendar - William Penn and His Chart - Nonconformists & Restrictive Laws
The Night the Stars Fell from the Sky

November 12 - 13, 1833
On this night the sky was full of shooting stars from the Leonid meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel Tuttle. The Leonid meteor shower happens every November, but it is more intense approximately every 33 years when the comet passes closest to the sun.
"At Boston, the frequency of meteors was estimated to be about half that of flakes of snow in an average snowstorm," according to Victorian astronomer Agnes Clerke.
During the first week of November,1833, mobs attacked Mormons in Missouri, forcing them to flee their homes. Missouri Mormon history was affected by this meteor shower when the persecuted considered it a sign of hope.
“As the saints were being driven from Jackson County in November 1833, several hundred refugees lay on the banks of the Missouri River, many sleeping on the ground under the open sky. They woke around 2 a.m. Nov. 13 to witness one of the most spectacular showers of meteors in recorded history, which has been referred to as “the night the stars fell.”
Elder Parley Pratt was there and described it: 'About two o’clock the next morning we were called up the cry of signs in the heavens. We arose, and to our great astonishment all the firmament seemed enveloped in splendid fireworks, as if every star in the broad expanses had been hurled from its course and sent lawless through the wilds of the ether. Thousands of bright meteors were shooting through space in every direction, with long trains of light following their course. This lasted for several hours and was only closed by the dawn of the rising sun. Every heart was filled with joy at this majestic display of signs and wonders.' ”
Pick your timing! When starting something important, making key changes, or crucial decisions it is best to examine your own personal transits.
Even so, some days are better than others in the world chart. In general, Green is good, Red means STOP! Yellow means is just like driving a car.
November 3, 4, 5
November 13, 14, 15, 19, 20
November 6, 7, 8, 26 - 30
The first week of November starts with the trine of Earth and Saturn peaking on the 1st. Trines are usually good, but Saturn can clip our wings. We can leave all that behind on November 3, 4 and 5th, when the Sun trine gentle and refined Neptune uplifts our spirits. Because Neptune rules durability it could be a good time to make a major purchase or start something important that must last.
The second week of November begins with a New Moon in Scorpio on the 7th while Mars is active in both the geocentric and heliocentric chart. It is best to wait until November 13th or 14th to make crucial purchases, changes or decisions.
The third week of November is highlighted by the Sun parallel benevolent Jupiter while also involved in harmonious planetary geometry with Chiron and Uranus, indicating success with projects that rely upon favorable publicity. The 19th is an especially good day to meet new people or launch plans.
The last 5 days of November are not ideal for beginning anything of importance because although the Sun and Jupiter are conjunct the Sun is also applying to a square to belligerent Mars.
The Magi Society Best & Worst Days Calendar has dates chosen for specific activities
Thoughts of William Penn and Religious Freedom

(William Penn October 14, 1644 – July 30,1718)
This stamp commemorates William Penn purchasing the first tract of land of what eventually became Pennsylvania on July 15, 1682.
In November we celebrate Thanksgiving. Perhaps we should give special thanks for the freedoms we have thanks to people such as the peace-loving Quaker William Penn.
On November 28, 1984 William Penn, and his wife Hannah Callowhill Penn, were made Honorary Citizens of the United States by President Ronald Reagan.
The Earth is trine Saturn on this first day of November so it is appropriate to speak of time, ruled by Saturn.
The Gregorian Calendar
William Penn was born October 14, 1644, but because current calendars are different than those used in 1644 his chart must be created for October 24, 1644.
The Gregorian Calendar of modern times adds an extra day every 4 years (Leap Year) to be more closely aligned to the movement of the Earth around the Sun in 365 days.
Old Style or Julian Calendars were replaced with Gregorian Calendars at various times in countries across the world. In 1582 Spain and Portugal adopted the more accurate Gregorian Calendar but Great Britain and its possessions (including the British Colonies) did not adopt it until 1752.
For Old Style dates between 1582 and 1700 it is necessary to add 10 days to convert to Gregorian date format.
By 1923 all countries used the Gregorian Calendar, but there are still holdouts. The Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches, among others, still use the Old Style calendars so their religious holidays do not coincide with those of churches using modern calendars.
William Penn and His Chart
William Penn is known as the founder of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love.
Although he was from an influential family he was imprisoned in England several times for his religious beliefs. When one jury came back with a "not guilty" verdict the judge ordered the jurors to jail (without food or water) and imposed fines on them. This became a cause celebre thanks to William Penn and led to a change in British law that protected jurors.
William Penn managed to assume control of the vast lands that are now Pennsylvania and Delaware because of his family connections, but he used this power not to amass a fortune but to ensure that people had the right to enjoy religious freedom.
Many members of the Society of Friends emigrated to Pennsylvania and what is now Delaware.
Other religious dissenters were welcomed who were persecuted in Great Britain for being non-Anglican or oppressed in other countries for their beliefs.
During Penn's trips to Germany he persuaded groups of Amish and Lutherans to come to the new world where they could enjoy religious tolerance.
Wlliam Penn's chart shows the Sun in trine to Mars and quincunx Jupiter. He had great energy, executive ability and the desire to travel in mind, body and spirit.
Penn set an admirable example of industry for the citizens of the New World. He was imprisoned several times in England for his nonconformist convictions and died penniless, but left behind a legacy that promoted religious freedom and tolerance.
His ideals, and the example he set, were the foundation of the U.S. Constitution. It was Penn who introduced the concept of "amendments" so that a constitutional document could be fluid and change over time.

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Religious freedom was important due to the strict attitudes of those in power of the time. In England, the Corporation Act of 1661 excluded from membership in town corporations all those who were not prepared to take the sacrament according to the rites of the Church of England .
The Test Act passed by Parliament in 1673 imposed the same test upon holders of civil or military office. Roman Catholics, Protestant Dissenters and followers of the Jewish faith were therefore excluded from public office.
Religious groups including Unitarians, Wesleyan Methodists, Primitive Methodists and the Society of Friends campaigned for a change in the law.
Nonconformist was the name given to Protestants who were not members of the Church of England. This included Wesleyan Methodists, Primitive Methodists, Quakers, Baptists, Unitarians, Congregationalists, and members of the Salvation Army.
These different groups of Nonconformists campaigned together against the harsh laws that were passed by British Parliament in the 17th century. Nonconformists were even prevented from being awarded degrees by the universities of Cambridge and Oxford.
Not until 1828 were both the Corporation and Test Acts repealed by Parliament. Roman Catholics were prevented from holding public office until the passing of the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829. Jewish emancipation took longer and was not fully achieved until 1890.

The Symbol of the Society of Friends
The Society of Friends were also known as Quakers and the Children of the Light. Quakers were known for their use of "thee" as an ordinary pronoun, plain dress, refusal to participate in war, refusal to swear oaths, opposition to slavery, and teetotalism. They were considered heretics because of their insistence on individual obedience to their own Inner Light and criticized for their lack of hierachy, their staunch belief in equal rights for men and women and their refusal to doff their hats to their "betters" because they believed that "all men were created equal."
ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is a phrase in the Constitution of the United States. William Penn and the Quakers were a major influence on the ideology behind the birth of this country.
Cruel and Unusual Punishment of the 1600's
Here is just one story to illustrate the persecution of nonconformist religious sects in 17th century England.
Stop reading now if you are squeamish.
An itinerant Quaker preacher named James Naylor was charged with blasphemy, found guilty and cruelly punished in 1656.
A group of Quakers travelled in a procession through Glastonbury and Wells and entered Bristol.
Nayler went on horseback while his companions sang hosannas and cast garments before him in what many regarded as a blasphemous imitation of Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Many churches produce passion plays or reenactments of this kind in present day America and Europe. But in the 1600's this was considered unacceptable and offensive.
Although Nayler maintained it was a symbolic act, he was accused of impersonating Christ and claiming divine status. He and his followers were arrested and charged under the Blasphemy Act of 1650.

"In December 1656, a majority declared him guilty of blasphemy and a fierce debate ensued regarding the extent of his punishment, with some MPs demanding that he should be stoned to death in accordance with the Old Testament penalty for blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16).
Despite Cromwell's call for leniency, Nayler was sentenced to be whipped through the streets, exposed in the pillory, have his tongue bored through with a red-hot iron and to have the letter "B" for blasphemer branded on his forehead.
He was then returned to Bristol and made to repeat his ride in reverse while facing the rear of his horse. Finally, he was taken back to London and committed to solitary confinement in Bridewell for an indefinite period." Source
Needless to say, Quakers and other Nonconformists had very good reasons to flee religious intolerance and persecution.
On November 22 please take a moment to give thanks for the freedoms you enjoy, including the right to study astrology, because of people like William Penn.
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.