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MAY 2019
Let There be Light - What's Happening May 2019 - Where are YOUR planets? - Grand Trines - Black Hole: First Picture Ever! - Biblical References to Astrology - Join the Magi Society
Let There Be Light

1896 Sea Girt, NJ Lighthouse © 2019
Lighthouses once held bright beacons to warn that land or hazards was near so that ships would not run aground in the fog or the dark.
Lighthouses were a navigational necessity for sailors in days gone by and dotted the coastlines before radar and GPS made them obsolete. Most lighthouses are tall cone shaped structures built to withstand the wind, but the beacon lamp in this pictured lighthouse is placed in a square tower and part of the lighthouse keeper’s home.
Astrology is much like a lighthouse because it offers a point of reference. You sail your own ship and let astrology point the way.
What's Happening in May 
Best days = 6, 16, 20
Other best days = 7, 13, 30, 31
These are good days in general for natalizing something --filing your taxes, buying a pair of shoes, going out on a first date, meeting a new client, etc. Some days are better for love and some are better for money. Visit Magical Timing for specifics. However, remember that your own chart is always the most important consideration.
For instance, if you have a birth planet at 5 degrees Capricorn or Libra it will be squared by Chiron AND Mars on May 22 - 23 so these might be especially difficult days to initiate something of importance for you. The square of Mars to Chiron on May 23 will create a T-square with your birth planet. How this works out for you will depend upon your birth planet, but T-squares are always turbulent.
Wonder if this transit applies to YOU?
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Significant Aspects in May 
May 11 - Sun trine Saturn - amber alert for those with planets at 20.4 Earth signs
May 13 - Sun trine Pluto - green light for those with planets at 23.1 Earth Signs
May 29 - Sun contraparallel Saturn - red alert for those with planets at 21.6 declination
*** Learn the degrees of your own planets and their triplicity and quadruplicity (Fire, Cardinal, etc.,) by using the links in the section below.
Grand Trines
Grand Trines are rare and special. When three or more planets are aligned 120 degrees apart, they create a triangle that represents ease and inspiration. People with grand trines in their chart very often casually accept their gifts and talents and sometimes do not realize or appreciate their great fortune.

Part of the mystic of the Egyptian pyramids is that they were built on a square base with four triangular sides.
Source: Wikipedia commons
The key to the pyramids success as a structure is that square base. Squares represent conflict and tension but also constructive activity and from that conflict arises symbols of ease and inspiration in a pyramid.
This month there is a Grand Trine occurring in the heliocentric dimension.
Creative people with planets located between 16 - 17 degrees of the heliocentric Water Signs can take advantage of the Grand Trine in heliocentric on May 6 - May 7. The Earth is trine Neptune, Mercury and Mars making this a good time to initiate (Mars) creative (Neptune) ideas (Mercury). If you are artistic or need inspiration this is a good time for meditation.
There is another Grand Trine in the heliocentric dimension that is not quite as tight. On May 23 the Earth is trine Chiron at 2.4 degrees while still trine Juno at 4.5. Those with birth planets in Fire signs close to heliocentric 2.4 degrees may benefit from this romantic formation.
Scroll forward a few days and a variety of planets move forward making other trines through May 27. Earth, Ceres (a financial planet), Vesta and Juno are all arrayed between 5.8 and 8.5 of the Fire signs creating a quite pleasant triangular setting for those with planets in the neighborhood.
Where are YOUR planets?
Use this ONLINE CHART MAKER to create your chart and then click on the Aspects Grid tab to see planetary positions.
This Zodiacal Reference Page lists the zodiacal sign categories (Earth, cardinal, etc.)
Order a Transit Tracker for an overview of your personal significant upcoming transits.
Black Hole - First Picture Ever!

In April the world saw the very first photograph of a Black Hole. Unsurprisingly, it looks like a black hole. A picture of a wormhole might be more colorful. It is still quite an achievement and validates Einstein's theories. READ MORE
Biblical References to Astrology
Astrology is not a religion. Yet some people say "I don't believe in astrology." These are often the very same people who attend Easter services which are held on the first Sunday that occurs after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox.
It cannot be proved that a baptism or the last rites will get you into heaven. It CAN be proved that certain planetary patterns appear in the charts of successful enterprises.
Religion requires faith and astrology requires earth science facts. However, the two can coexist because astrology reinforces our faith in a grand design.
These biblical snips were sent by a client:
Psalm 19:1 & 2 - “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.”
Job 38:33 - “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?”
Do you want software to create charts, see Cinderella aspects and view heliocentric charts?
Join the Magi Society for $80 and renew annually for just $55. Your membership gives you free software, access to articles not available to the public and an extra month of the Best & Worst Days in advance.
Add our unique interpretation modules for an additional $55 each. The interpretations are the best teaching tool the Magi Society offers! Each one has a numerical rating for specific areas such as romance, compatibility, sex, recognition, making money, etc. The heliocentric upgrade costs $110. There are many more upgrades available for those who wish to study Magi Astrology.
Click here to receive membership details.
If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, leave your phone number and the best time of day to call in the text box --and add a note that you follow Magi Bette online for expedited attention.
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society.
© 2004-2019 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions All Rights Reserved
Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.