Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer

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What's Happening This Month
Finis Origine Pendet
The end depends upon the beginning.

Our prayers for a quick recovery go out to those affected by Hurricane Helene.
----- NEW MOON -----
October 2 in Libra 10.1
Sun conjunct Moon
Annular solar eclipse known as a “ring of fire”
This solar eclipse at 10 Libra is square Ceres and creates a T-square to the U.S. chart's natal Sun. Ceres rules commerce so the dockworker's strike that coincides with the eclipse will present additional challenges for the current administration.
----- FULL MOON ------
Oct 17 at 24.4 Aries
aka the Hunter’s Moon
Sun opposite Moon
The Sun is just past a square to Mars, and conjunct fanciful and gullible Juno. Perhaps people in general will be misled or facts deliberately misrepresented --- perhaps the Full Moon will illuminate misleading activities that unleash anger or realize they wasted energies chasing rainbows.
Every project, business, romantic relationship, or partnership has its own birth chart, and the Sun and Earth are the most crucial factors in that chart.
Red days are the most challenging. Green days are the most helpful. Yellow days need extra caution
Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time
Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome. Some days are better for love, and some are better for money, but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important. However, when you have great transits and also pick a great day to start something new, the magic happens!
Every day has some good alignments but also some unpleasant ones. No day is ever perfect. The Sun is the most important body in any chart, so understanding the Sun's aspects can help you make better choices.
Oct 2 eclipse with an applying square to Ceres that is not complete until very early on the 4th.
Oct 4-6 Sun quincunx Saturn The Sun making adverse connections to Saturn puts a dark cloud over anything new that is initiated.
Oct 11-13 Sun trine Jupiter provides an element of success BUT....!
Oct 11-13 T-Square of Sun, Mars, Chiron and Sun || Saturn, cp Sedna
Oct 19-23 Sun square Pluto
Enjoy a more Magical Life
The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns above shows the good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart must also be considered
The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

Hurricane Helene cut a swath of destruction across 6 states after it made landfall on Thursday September 26. at 11:10 p.m. EDT. The closest applying major aspects in the chart was a retrograde Uranus (the planet of the unpredictable) opposite Xanthus, the planet of tragedy, and Sun parallel Neptune, ruler of water. We even received three and a half inches of rain and had power outages here in eastern Virginia. We pray for those who have lost so much and lived in places they thought were safe from nature's fury.
Fox News is having a Birthday!
This cable station was launched on October 7, 1996.
The Fox News Launch chart shows the strength of planetary alignments that are ideal for a news outlet.

click for larger image
A cable news station needs to be able to communicate succinctly. The launch chart shows Mercury (communication) trine Uranus (worldwide, media) and Neptune (morals, ethics) and Fox News did a good job of conveying the news quickly and with a driving set of principles.
The Sun of this chart is at the midpoint of a trine between Mars (drive, initiative) and Ceres (business) and Fox News has done a good job reporting the business world, stock markets and financial news.
Saturn and Pluto are in trine symbolizing perhaps the power (Pluto) derived from conservatism (Saturn) with Uranus (part of the Mercury Uranus trine denoting skilled communication) at their midpoint. These planets are linked to Venus which blends them together into a coordinated whole.
Fox’s head honcho Roger Ailes stepped down in July 2016 due to charges of sexual harassment resulting in huge settlements paid to some well-known female employees at Fox News.
This transpired as transiting Pluto squared the natal Sun of the Fox News chart. Ailes was the “boss” as represented by the Sun in the Fox chart. Pluto rules pressure as well as sex and can transform, erase or eradicate whatever it squares. Ailes was “pressured” to leave the network.
As the 2024 Presidential election looms large on our calendars it is worthwhile to review events stemming from the last election. After the 2020 election which occurred during the widespread covid panic, there were rumors and allegations about inconsistencies in voting machine results and procedures. In December 2020, while these claims were a major news topic, the Fox News chart had numerous Saturn transits, including t. Saturn crossing its natal Uranus.
In March 2021 Dominion Voting Systems filed a lawsuit against Fox News Network alleging that several of their programs broadcast false statements about Dominion’s voting machines. They asked for 1.6 billion dollars in damages. Fox News refuted the claims, saying that their programs aired opinions which were protected by the First Amendment.
However, internal text messages were revealed in discovery that implied that hosts of some programs, including Tucker Carlson, did not believe the allegations against Dominion were true. Fox filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, asserting a First Amendment right "to inform the public about newsworthy allegations of paramount public concern.”
But their motion was denied in December 2021.
On April 18, 2023, after a jury was seated for a trial was about to commence, Fox settled the defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems by agreeing to pay them $787.5 million. This has been called the largest defamation settlement in U.S. history by a media organization.
Interestingly, it was not stipulated in the settlement that Fox News would issue a public apology. On April 24, 2023, coincidentally, it was announced that Tucker Carlson had agreed to leave the network, but that’s a story for another day.
During the more than two years these lawsuits were brewing, t. Uranus squared the Mars of the Fox chart, which was exact on April 4, 2023, symbolizing unpredictable circumstances and the change in their defense strategies, Saturn created a T-square with Fox’s natal Pluto and Venus (representing, in part, the vast sums of money at stake, but also the rock and hard place of Fox) with this aspect peaking in March 2023, and t. Pluto was about to station on May 1 while conjunct the Uranus of the Fox chart. Once again, relentless pressure was brought to bear on Fox and in this instance, pressure to make a change in their broadcast business (Uranus).
Jupiter represents the law and justice system, as well as the willingness to compromise, so t. Jupiter square Fox’s deep coffers represented by Neptune shows the large settlement. Meanwhile, t. Jupiter was parallel Fox’s Pallas and contraparallel Fox’s Chiron and Pluto, so an intelligent decision (Pallas) to settle outside court may have preserved Fox’s reputation (Chiron) and power (Pluto).
Smartmatic Voting systems 2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News from early 2021 alleging Fox “engaged in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about Smartmatic,” is still pending.
"So you see, astrology's nothing to do with astronomy. It's just to do with people thinking about people." ~Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
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by Magi Bette
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Order a Transit Tracker to know when important transits will impact your chart. Know when transiting conditions are helpful, ho-hum or harmful in 11 easy-to-understand categories displayed on a color-coded calendar.
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We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more celestial data. Repeat clients receive --free of charge --a Daily Sun/Earth row for the universal transits of the Sun and Earth (and eclipses!) in the world chart so you can see at a glance the best days of the month.
Get a Custom Color Coded Calendar for YOUR Birth Chart's Key Transits. The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR personal best days and worst days every month.
The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.
Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations.
By the way -The Magi Society has brought back the Best & Worst Days calendars due to popular demand. Visit to see this month.
Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE
This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.
Magi Astrology
The Key to Success in Love & Money
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
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“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu
© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions
All Rights Reserved
All text and contents of this website are protected by intellectual property and copyright law and may not be reproduced, reprinted, or redistributed in any form.
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Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.
NOTE: All astrological charts displayed for educational purposes on this website were created with AstroGeometry software by the Magi Society. © Copyright 1997-2010 by The Magi Associates, Inc. and Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corp.