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Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
WHAT'S HAPPENING SEPTEMBER- Thoughts & Things - Beauty - Barbie's Chart - Meditation Mantra for September - Transit Tracker: Custom Calendars for Your Key Transits - Rhyme & Reason Relationship Reports - Free Ebooks - Join the Magi Society

Charts drawn on paper only reveal one dimension.
Planets, however, connect in three dimensional space.
Magi Astrology is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL astrology that examines planetary alignments from an array of spatial angles. There are four charts: the geocentric chart, the declination chart, the heliocentric chart and the heliocentric latitudes. Using various techniques it is possible to explore planetary interactions and angles not easily seen with the naked eye. Extensive research and a collection of verifiable results makes Magi Astrology science based and accurate.
What's Happening This Month
Finis Origine Pendet
The end depends upon the beginning.

----- NEW MOON -----
Sep 14 2023
Sun conjunct Moon at
21.8 Virgo
----- FULL MOON ------
Sep 29 2023
Sun opposite Moon
at 6 Aries
--- THE SUN & EARTH & MORE ---
Every project, business, romantic relationship, or partnership has its own birth chart, and the Sun and Earth are the most crucial factors in that chart.
Red days are the most challenging. Green days are the most helpful. Yellow days need extra caution
Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time
Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome. Some days are better for love, and some are better for money, but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important. However, when you have great transits and also pick a great day to start something new, the magic happens!
Creating success through generosity, forgiveness, good judgement, and vision might be the best keywords for the month.
SEPTEMBER 4 - Venus turns direct in motion at 12 Leo and Jupiter turns retrograde at 15.6 Taurus
SEPTEMBER 6-8 The trine of the Sun and Jupiter during early September provides the vision, good will, and optimism that is crucial for successful starts and improvements. Did you know? Jupiter is ALWAYS retrograde when it trines the Sun and it is one of the most beneficial aspects for natalizations.
SEPTEMBER 13-15 The Sun and Uranus form a beneficial trine, making this an excellent time to make changes and rise above the ordinary.
SEPTEMBER 15 Mercury turns Direct at 8 Virgo
SEPTEMBER 16-18 The Sun opposition to Neptune with the Saturn/Chiron midpoint create a challenging atmosphere for starting anything new. Avoid making impulsive changes that can disrupt your serenity or the continuity of your plans.Since Neptune rules medicines this is a poor time to begin any new medical treatments. Similar to last month, there is a possibility that disclosures or news about vaccines or viruses will create unease. Always remember that by using intelligence and relying on the guidance of our protective angels we can fight off fear and negative influences.
SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 The favorable alignment between the Sun and Pluto means that much can be accomplished in the material world. This is especially a good time to begin a project that requires an intensity of purpose, stamina, or an aptitude for research.
Enjoy a more Magical Life
The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns above shows the good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart are always the most important consideration.
The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

“There’s a theory among neurobiologists and evolutionary researchers that the reason humans have a sense of beauty is because beauty is functional.”
“If I understand right, any technologically advanced species should possessor least some sense of beauty.”
“Beauty is an expression of the divine. It doesn’t come from within us.”
Quotes from Fractal Noise (FractalVerse) by Christopher Paolini. Personal note: The first book of this series, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, made my top ten list of recommended books.
Venus, the traditional ruler of beauty and fashion stations direct at 12 Leo on September 4 after its retrograde period in Leo since July 23.
Venus represents feminine traits and anything associated with beauty, social affairs and pocket money. In its best representation it is seen as gentleness, kindness and life’s little pleasures. When this planet is in a stressful alignment it can manifest as laziness or social awkwardness.
Beauty takes many forms. We enjoy the innocent beauty of a child’s face, the breathtaking splendor of a majestic mountain range, and the glamorous dazzle of a high fashion model.
The graceful swan was considered a symbol of beauty by ancient Greeks and sacred to Apollo and Aphrodite, the personifications of beauty in Greek mythology.

Numerous flowers are used as symbols of beauty, most notably the orchid, the rose, and the lotus.
Jade is a precious gemstone that in China traditionally highlights the timeless and universal power of beauty .
Buildings rely on symmetry to appeal to the eye. Check out this website:
Tests by psychologists have shown that the perception of beauty is associated with symmetry.
With that said, what is more symmetrical than the face of a machine-made doll?

Since 1959 little girls (and some boys) have entertained themselves with Barbie dolls. This year the Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie has inspired an infusion of various shades of pinkness in the fashion world. Barbie has an official Birthday: March 9, 1959, the date she was first available for purchase.
Notice the Sun is trine the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint. Her spirit and essence is one that is always hopeful and enjoys luxury (Jupiter) and her persona is eternally young at heart (Neptune). The Sun is of prime importance in a birth chart, so this alignment accentuates this gal's lasting (Neptune) success (Jupiter).
Notice Chiron trine Juno= the "make believe" aspect. Barbie's appeal to the public (Chiron) is linked to fantasies and romantic dreams (Juno).

click to enlarge

The New Bonnet, Francis William Edmonds, Metropolitan Museum of Art
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View your relationship through the prism of astrology. Dating? Is there a new person in your life? Can this relationship work? Is this a friendship, a fantasy, or headed for fulfillment? Have you ever met someone who ticked all the boxes, but the relationship fell apart, apparently for no rhyme or reason?
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by Magi Bette
Recent Reviews:
"Your transit trackers are genius!!"
“The visual design is simple elegance, and very user friendly!”
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Order a Transit Tracker to know when important transits will impact your chart. Know when transiting conditions are helpful, ho-hum or harmful in 11 easy-to-understand categories displayed on a color-coded calendar.
Get The Transit Tracker Smart Timing Advantage!
We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more realistic coloring and for repeat clients a Daily Sun/Earth row for current Sun and Earth transits (and eclipses!) in the world chart.
The 2023 Transit Tracker includes the dates as well as the days of the month per numerous requests.
Get a Custom Color Coded Calendar for YOUR Birth Chart's Key Transits. The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR personal best days and worst days every month.
The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.
Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations.
By the way -The Magi Society has brought back the Best & Worst Days calendars due to popular demand. Visit to see this month.
Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE
This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.
Magi Astrology
The Key to Success in Love & Money
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
Do you want software to create charts, see Cinderella aspects and compare charts?
Join the Magi Society for $80 and renew annually for just $55. Your membership gives you free software and access to articles not available to the public.
Add our unique interpretation modules for an additional $55 each. The interpretations are the best astrological teaching tool the Magi Society offers! Each one has a numerical rating for specific areas such as romance, compatibility, sex, recognition, making money, etc. The heliocentric upgrade costs $110. There are many more upgrades available for those who wish to study Magi Astrology.
If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, visit our website or send me a note.
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu
© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions
All Rights Reserved
All text and contents of this website are protected by intellectual property and copyright law and may not be reproduced, reprinted, or redistributed in any form.
Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.
NOTE: All astrological charts displayed for educational purposes on this website were created with AstroGeometry software by the Magi Society. © Copyright 1997-2010 by The Magi Associates, Inc. and Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corp.