Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
JULY 2023
WHAT'S HAPPENING JULY - Meditation Mantra for JULY - Happy 4th of July- Political Update -- Thoughts & Things:--Transit Tracker: Custom Calendars for Your Key Transits - Rhyme & Reason Relationship Reports - Free Ebooks - Join the Magi Society
I make wise choices so the path ahead is pleasant.

Avenue to the Temple of Iyeyasa, Nikko. Mid-day Sun. John La Farge (American, 1835-1910). Walters Art Gallery
What's Happening
Finis Origine Pendet
The end depends upon the beginning.

----- FULL MOON ------
11.4 Capricorn
July 3 7:40 am EDST
----- NEW MOON -----
24.9 Cancer
July 17 3:33 pm EDST
----- THE SUN & EARTH & MORE -----
A successful project, project, or partnership has its own birth chart, so begin on a "good" day.
Red days are the most challenging.
Green days are the most helpful.
Yellow days need extra caution
Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time
Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome.
Some days are better for love, and some are better for money,.but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important. When you have great transits and also pick a great day to start something new, the magic happens!
An abundance of caution can be the keywords for the month.
Good transits do not cancel out bad transits, but there are some powerfully good alignments between the Earth and the Jupiter/Chiron, Neptune/Chiron midpoints in process that will affect EVERYONE'S charts. These will become more powerful for good after July 10 when the parallel of the Saturn/Chiron midpoint begins to separate from the Earth in the heliocentric latitudes. It is almost as though good overpowers evil.
The itch to make impulsive changes and decisions that may have unpleasant consequences pervades the first 10 days of July. The 8th and 9th are especially tricky days for romantic misunderstandings. Wait until July 11 to make changes if you can.
Nevertheless, July 3 and 4 are generally good days to socialize, celebrate the 4th of July, or buy a new toaster if you absolutely must.
July 14 and 15 can be a good time for networking and working with other people in group situations while the Earth trines Vesta. July 16 is great for social events and romantic moments.
The New Moon on the 17th trines Neptune, so the emphasis is on peace, idealism, and understanding. July 17, 18, 19 can be excellent times for addressing health matters, long term planning, and placing an accent on romantic connections. Sun trine Neptune gives a lasting quality to anything that is begun but be cautious because the Saturn/Chiron midpoint is part of that trine, and a frustrating Mars opposition to Saturn is forming. This means that making changes could backfire.
July 22 is better than July 21 for business and financial matters.
Both Venus and Chiron turn retrograde on July 23.
July 26, July 27, and July 28 are days when Sun and Saturn are aligned, so hold off; wait to press the start button on anything important. These are days best used for focusing on organization and clearing up loose ends.
July 30 and 31 are not superlative for money and making profits, but can be good days to make changes, or to launch projects that depend on publicity or networking, but only if you have all your ducks in a row.
Why exercise an abundance of caution in July?
The first 10 days of July have the tricky Saturn/Chiron midpoint aspecting the Earth and everyone in it. Meanwhile, the geocentric Saturn/Chiron midpoint is traveling close to Neptune - ruler of gas, oil, medicines, and long-term assets such as real estate and savings accounts. Neptune and the crucial knee-jerk reaction midpoint remain within orb of an applying conjunction until August 17.
This can lead to thorny problems for some people's long term investments . For instance, high 5% interest rates for CDs are attractive, but may lead to permanently (Neptune) higher interest rates for businesses and mortages.
Neptune is pervasive. Neptune can be seen as the smoke from Canadian forest fires that is sending a haze across parts of the United States.
Neptune is a financial planet as well as a romantic planet. Anything that lasts a long time or comes from the ground, like gas and oil, is ruled by Neptune, so the bans on gas stoves, the reining in of oil production, and attempts to steer consumers away from gas guzzling cars come to mind. Not to mention the modern "robber barons" who have upped interest rates in an effort to curb inflation--the result being that everything including real estate (Neptune) mortgage rates is more expensive.
Affirmation of the Magical Merits of the Transit Tracker!
I love it when people "get it" and appreciate the knowledge that lies behind the Transit Tracker and use it the way it should be used. It is gratifying when clients send me notes such as this:
“Thanks so much Magi Bette. Thanks to you I have no real problems at this juncture and all my natalizations have worked out: amazing/miraculous, pretty freaking great, or the best possible on the fly have to decide now or pretty soon, or had to Natalize due to action required...they All turned out. Impressive!”
The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns will show good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart are always the most important consideration.
.The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

We might see the Great Pumpkin in October! The pumpkin patch has gone wild this year! These plants were nurtured with plenty of water and fertilizer to help them thrive.
Just a reminder that if you want to grow something you must do more than just pick a good date and plant the seeds.
Every idea, project, and relationship needs extra attention, nourishment, and care if it is to reach its full potential.

Since July 4 is coming up, the day we celebrate the Independence of the United States, it is time to visit the political arena. Not that long ago students in public schools recited the Pledge of Allegiance every school day as a reminder of the values our forefathers fought for. The nation's children recited this pledge for hundreds of years.
Things have changed.
The United States formed to let the people who lived here rule themselves and to free themselves from the tyranny of British rulers, who collected taxes and spent them on their own pet projects without regard for the wishes of their American subjects. One of the themes of the struggle for U.S. independence was “no taxation without representation.”
The current executive branch has been handing down rules like candy since January 2021 without input from Congress. One policy requires that lenders raise mortgage rates for borrowers with favorable credit scores of 680 or above while lowering them for higher risk buyers with lower credit scores and lower down payments. Another rule, from the executive branch, promised to forgive up to $20,000 worth of student loans per borrower, to the tune of $400 billion for American taxpayers.
Congress, which is meant to represent the wishes of the American people, created and passed bills blocking these policies, but were vetoed. However, on June 30 the Supreme Court ruled against the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness plan. This is why the U.S. has three branches of government.
Politics of June
June had some tense political moments while the entire world was in the midst of a Tricky Transit. .The background noise of course is the Saturn/Chiron midpoint parallel to the Earth and this affects EVERYONE’S chart!
Anyone who reads my Ephemera articles will remember that the Saturn/Chiron midpoint represents disastrous impulses (Saturn, Chiron) and is described as a Heartbreak, Hailstorm and/or Poorhouse Transit. It was closing the gap with the Earth in the heliocentric latitiudes throughout June.
In June, transiting Saturn was assailing Joe Biden’s natal Saturn opposite Juno, creating a tricky T-square. This easily explains why accusations of bribes and corruption from his past (Saturn) contacts with Burisma and the Ukraine were being broadcast in June.
This is Biden's geocentric chart on June 13, 2023. Click on image to enlarge.

The same week the President’s son’s tax evasion investigation made headlines when Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges, charges that would have easily been felonies for anyone else.
Congressional representatives also introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden the same week, based on claims that he mishandled his "constitutional duty to secure our southern border."
On June 13 a Fox News producer went so far as to add a label to a newsclip that read, “WannaBee Dictator Speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.” Naturally, the Fox employee resigned for this transgression.

Fox News clip courtesy of @TuckerCarlson Twitter video
However, transiting Saturn turned retrograde on June 17, 2023, making the threat of exposure, censure, and repercussions for Joe Biden less imminent. This T-square will not be exact until late February 2024, which can be expected to be a slippery time for the current president.
The alleged Biden family bribery schemes were made public just before Donald Trump was served with indictments on June 8 for allegedly mishandling classified documents.
This shoved the Biden gossip out of the top spot in mainstream headline news.
When indictments were handed down from the Biden administration to the main opposition party candidate, Trump’s natal Mercury was trine transiting Saturn. In heliocentric Saturn opposed his natal Mercury.
Interestingly, Mercury rules documents.
In heliocentric, transiting Jupiter, one of the good guys in the cosmic lineup, created a Grand Cross with Trump’s natal Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres T-square. It is almost as though the indictments helped Donald Trump thanks to the helpfulness and protectiveness of Jupiter. The former President is already mired in several legal actions, however, so with his business planet (Ceres) caught up in a Grand Cross, this could be a challenging time for finances. Read about them here
Here is Trump's heliocentric chart and transits on June 8, 2023. Click on pic to enlarge.
By progression Trump has heliocentric progressed Mars and Saturn contraparallel his progressed Chiron (reputation) and Dionysus (asteroid of politics) as we move into July when the world chart’s Earth and Saturn/Chiron midpoint are also joined together in the latitudes. Whether this pileup of negative energies can be overcome by the other favorable progressed aspects to Trump’s natal planets remains to be seen.
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by Magi Bette
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Order a Transit Tracker to know when important transits will impact your chart. Know when transiting conditions are helpful, ho-hum or harmful in 11 easy-to-understand categories displayed on a color-coded calendar.
Get The Transit Tracker Smart Timing Advantage!
We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more realistic coloring and for repeat clients a Daily Sun/Earth row for current Sun and Earth transits (and eclipses!) in the world chart.
The 2023 Transit Tracker includes the dates as well as the days of the month per numerous requests.
Get a Custom Color Coded Calendar for YOUR Birth Chart's Key Transits. The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR personal best days and worst days every month.
The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.
Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE
This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.
Magi Astrology
The Key to Success in Love & Money
Members of the Magi Society in good standing are currently receiving free access to our online MagicalEyes web app. It calculates charts in both geo and helio systems, and includes some astrobodies not available in our other software. With a dozen categories to choose from, you can quickly see if you are having good or bad transits. Anyone can become a member by making a payment of $80 on the Member's Only landing page link above.
Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations.
By the way -The Magi Society will be bringing back our Best & Worst Days calendars due to popular demand.
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
Do you want software to create charts, see Cinderella aspects and compare charts?
Join the Magi Society for $80 and renew annually for just $55. Your membership gives you free software and access to articles not available to the public.
Add our unique interpretation modules for an additional $55 each. The interpretations are the best astrological teaching tool the Magi Society offers! Each one has a numerical rating for specific areas such as romance, compatibility, sex, recognition, making money, etc. The heliocentric upgrade costs $110. There are many more upgrades available for those who wish to study Magi Astrology.
If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, visit our website or send me a note.
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu
© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions All Rights Reserved
Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.