Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer

We've been enjoying the goldfinches as they enjoy our sunflowers this year.
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What's Happening This Month
Finis Origine Pendet
The end depends upon the beginning.

----- NEW MOON -----
August 4 in Leo 12
Sun conjunct Moon
----- FULL MOON ------
August 19 in Aquarius 27.2
Sun opposite Moon
Every project, business, romantic relationship, or partnership has its own birth chart, and the Sun and Earth are the most crucial factors in that chart.
Red days are the most challenging. Green days are the most helpful. Yellow days need extra caution
Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time
Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome. Some days are better for love, and some are better for money, but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important. However, when you have great transits and also pick a great day to start something new, the magic happens!
Every day has some good alignments but also some unpleasant ones. No day is ever perfect.
August 7-9 Sun Quincunx Saturn
August 13-15 Sun trine Chiron
August 15 -19 Sun/Earth square Uranus
August 19-21 Sun quincunx Neptune and Pluto
August 20-23 Sun square Sedna
August 24-26 Sun || Chiron
August 27-30 Sun trine Ceres
Enjoy a more Magical Life
The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns above shows the good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart must also be considered
The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

"The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them." -Old Turkish Proverb
Policies not Personality
It was fascinating to watch politicians turning on their own after the June 27th Presidential debate. Late night talk hosts, pundits, donors, and news anchors, suddenly shocked by Biden’s inability to speak coherently during the debacle were calling for the long time politician to remove himself as a candidate. Hurried hush hush meetings with significant Democratic leaders were held while the White House tried to exercise damage control, but just seemed to make things worse.
Now, here’s a clue, this turning against the hand that feeds them was not obvious in the transits to Biden’s chart but was well represented by comparing the current President’s Inauguration Date of January 21, 2021, to June 27, 2024. There you see Vesta opposed by Saturn and Saturn opposed by Vesta. Vesta rules groups and the groups were ruthlessly (Saturn) ganging up on the stuttering frail president, who has been carefully insulated from reality (and the media) as he floated on a bubble of a comfortable trine from transiting Neptune.
The inauguration chart that represents the beginning of this presidential term was quite troubled. The Sun conjunct Saturn symbolisms of control and deceit were born out by the stringent vaccine mandates, a clamp down on "misinformation," the Russia investigation, laptop origin coverups, and flaunting of Supreme Court decisions. Simultaneously, heliocentric Earth applying to an opposition with Saturn, was a sign of diminished vitality and weakness. By progression that opposition is exact this year. But even more telling transiting Pluto has now arrived within one degree of orb opposing the earth’s natal place activating the progressed Saturn opposition. We know that Pluto symbolizes power, but it also represents transformation and abandonment, dictators and oppression, upheavals and disclosures, as well as endings and new beginnings.
On July 21, 2024 when Biden announced he would drop out of the presidential race, transiting Pluto was conjunct the Sun of the 2021 Inauguration chart and emphasized by a full moon.
Of course, the inauguration chart of Donald Trump on Jan 20, 2017, also had the Earth at the same degree, so Pluto also opposes the same point in that chart. However, Trump’s administration ended nearly four years ago and although there was an assasination attempt on July 13, 2024, his birth chart AND inauguration chart had benign transits, so he survived.
We should look more closely at the inauguration date with the natal Sun hovering about 0 degrees Aquarius. The long term transit of Pluto (power) trine Sedna (corruption) has been an ongoing alignment for several years. With this trine becoming exact at 0 degrees Aquarius/Gemini and 0 degrees Aquarius being the degree of every presidential inauguration of recent years, it is an obvious indication of the presidency and executive branch of government gathering more and more power.
Policies that threaten to weaken the system of checks and balances outlined in the constitution should set off alarm bells. One can only strengthen the executive branch by weakening the judicial and legislative branches, so the Supreme Court and Congress might be endangered.
On July 17, 2024, during the last exact trine of these two planets, Pluto was at 1.0 Aquarius and Sedna 1.0 Gemini. Pluto rules taxes and great wealth, so it should come as no surprise that the government has increased the size of the IRS and the national debt. as this slow moving trine reaches its full force. On Dec 10, 2024, when the trine is exact again, Pluto will be 0.4 Aquarius and Sedna at 0.4 Gemini, much closer to the inauguration chart's Sun.
Election day, November 5, 2024, sees transiting Mars and Juno forming a T-square to the 0 degree Aqaurius point, so the election could be confusing and contentious. The good news is that in heliocentric calm and peaceloving Neptune forms a trine to the 0 degree Earth of the inauguration chart of whoever emerges victorious.
"So you see, astrology's nothing to do with astronomy. It's just to do with people thinking about people." ~Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
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by Magi Bette
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We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more celestial data. Repeat clients receive --free of charge --a Daily Sun/Earth row for the universal transits of the Sun and Earth (and eclipses!) in the world chart so you can see at a glance the best days of the month.
Get a Custom Color Coded Calendar for YOUR Birth Chart's Key Transits. The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR personal best days and worst days every month.
The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.
Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations.
By the way -The Magi Society has brought back the Best & Worst Days calendars due to popular demand. Visit to see this month.
Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE
This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.
Magi Astrology
The Key to Success in Love & Money
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
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If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, visit our website or send me a note.
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu
© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions
All Rights Reserved
All text and contents of this website are protected by intellectual property and copyright law and may not be reproduced, reprinted, or redistributed in any form.
Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.
NOTE: All astrological charts displayed for educational purposes on this website were created with AstroGeometry software by the Magi Society. © Copyright 1997-2010 by The Magi Associates, Inc. and Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corp.