Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
January 2024
Transit Tracker: Custom Calendars for Your Key Transits - Rhyme & Reason Relationship Reports - Free Ebooks - Join the Magi Society

The Year of the Wood Dragon
Chinese New Year February 10, 2024
Eclipses in 2024
Mar 24–25 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral)
Apr 8 Solar Eclipse (Total)
Sep 17–18 Lunar Eclipse (Partial)
Oct 2 Solar Eclipse (Annular)
Oct 17 Lunar Eclipse (Almost)
Pluto trine Sedna
This alignment continues to recur in 2024. The big difference is that in 2024 Pluto is in Aquarius and Sedna has slipped into Gemini. Power and money (Pluto) easily (trine) grasped in the hands of the corrupt and immoral (Sedna) is a quick description. The exact dates EST are January 7, February 24 (helio) July 17, December 10, 2024.
The SUN illuminates the trine between Pluto and Sedna on January 19 and 20, May 20 and 22 (with Jupiter),. The Sun creates a Grand Trine with Sedna and Pluto on September 22 and 23.
Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, triggers this ongoing trine in 2024. Jupiter spreads its beneficial influence over several days with an exact conjunct to Sedna on May 27 and a trine Pluto on June 2.
Saturn restrains and censures Sedna with a contraparallel that is exact March 19, October 22, and December 8.
Jupiter square Saturn
Jupiter usually brings improvements and what better planet to improve than Saturn? Any alignment between these two planets has business and commerce implications, perhaps can be seen as a time of shifting between expansion (Jupiter) and belt tightening tactics (Saturn). Exact dates EST include August 19, December 24.
What's Happening This Month
Finis Origine Pendet
The end depends upon the beginning.

----- NEW MOON -----
Jan. 11
Sun conjunct Moon at
20.7 Capricorn
----- FULL MOON ------
Jan. 25
Sun opposite Moon
Every project, business, romantic relationship, or partnership has its own birth chart, and the Sun and Earth are the most crucial factors in that chart.
Red days are the most challenging. Green days are the most helpful. Yellow days need extra caution
Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time
Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome. Some days are better for love, and some are better for money, but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important. However, when you have great transits and also pick a great day to start something new, the magic happens!
Here is the Daily Sun/Earth guide for January that my repeat Transit Tracker clients receive as a free loyalty bonus.
As you can see, January does not have too many really bad days.

Jan 2 Mercury turns Direct at 22.8 Capricorn
Jan 4-6 Sun square Chiron - prove your trustworthiness, avoid misunderstandings
Jan 7-9 Sun trine Uranus - good time to make changes or follow trends
Jan 27 Uranus turns Direct at 19.1 Taurus
Jan 26 -28 Saturn quincunx Earth - negativity may affect everything you start
Enjoy a more Magical Life
The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns above shows the good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart must also be considered
The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

Upholding standards of excellence and honesty has always been my aim. Sustaining long term relationships depends upon being reliable and trustworthy.
Here is some feedback from a client who went over her notes about a 2012 consultation regarding a new boyfriend.
"how cool was it that you predicted things back in 2012! You said there could be a problem with finances in 2014 ...2015... .. he got laid off in fall of 2014 and had to travel for work for multiple employers for about a year into fall 2015.... And you had said - "a big long Cindarella progression into 2024… this wont go away in a week or a year… he is looking for romance and to settle down… " It is quite interesting that he decided to retire and we are hoping to buy our retirement house in spring of 2024!"
I always keep my promises, always answer emails, and return calls, unless there is a good reason to do otherwise. For more than 20 years my consultation clients have found me easy to access and received more than the allotted time when needed. My policy is to always give more than asked or paid for, and to pay it forward.
The Ephemera column has been posted on the first of every month for years and can be relied upon to be there when you need it. This is my personal motto but sadly there are some who do not live up to the same standards, may God bless their hearts. Please do not judge me by the actions of a few other people in the world of astrology.
Are you being played? Algorithms and Artificial intelligence
Sure, the social media giants can use predictive science to choose which ads to show you and which articles you may see. There are times we all feel we are being manipulated (see comments on Pluto trine Sedna) or when we see pieces written by AI that are insipid, inaccurate, and inane.
Pluto is the planet that rules advertising and propaganda, so remain alert in 2024. AI is a lovely tool, but original thought flies out the window and wisdom is depleted when inspiration, encouragement, and kindness is boiled down to an algorithm.
Uranus the planet of universal brotherhood (thank you Robert Heinlein) and worldwide knowledge is now within reach of the Earth in the heliocentric latitudes and will bring us into a more powerful world of technology and global higher thought during the coming years, until it reaches its peak in May 2029. AI can be a great gift, but in the wrong hands it can become a tool of big business, corporate greed, or the evil elements of society.
Alan Turing the British mathematician who cracked the Nazi's Enigma code machine during WWII has been called a genius. His theories, concepts, and models were the basis for what is now called computer science.

The title of the 2014 movie, “The Imitation Game” starring Benedict Cumberbatch, referred to the Turing Test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1950. The Turing Test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Since the test was based on conversations between humans and machines it is relevant to current trends and somewhat anticipatory of the questions that arise as chatbot AI products flood the internet in 2023.
Can we see signs of genius in a birth chart?
Like snowflakes, birth charts can be similar, but never identical. Thousands of people were born on the same date as Alan Turing but did not become famous as cryptographers.
His intelligence was recognized by his early teachers; however, it must be taken into account that Turing was born into a family that had the means to give him a first-class public school education and support him as he attended Cambridge University and pursued a PhD at Princeton.
Turing also made the crucial decision to apply for a position with the Bletchley Park codebreaking team, which allowed him the tools and scope to test and develop his theories. These conditions, decisions, and influences shaped his future and allowed his brilliance to blossom.

Click on image to enlarge
Turing was born June 23, 1912. Turing’s natal Sun is quincunx Uranus, a sign of someone who can be famous or successful with technology. His natal Mercury squares Sedna, trines Chiron, and quincunxes Jupiter, all signs of elevated intelligence especially since Jupiter is involved, but not remarkable.
However, take a closer look at the declinations, where his natal Mercury is not only Exdek (outside the bounds of the Sun’s path at extreme declination) which makes it special but also parallel to four other planets plus the Sun. There are a few other bodies at that degree of declination, too, that are not shown.

The sheer number of alignments to Mercury is notable. A basic principle of Magi Astrology is that the more planets are involved in an aspect the more important that aspect will be.
Also notice in the declinations that Jupiter (success) is parallel Uranus (technology). The hidden factor that adds weight to Mercury is seen when the MagiZodiac 7 chart is viewed. Now we can see that Turing’s Mercury is aligned with both Jupiter and Uranus.

Click on image to enlarge
Thousands of people were born on the same date but only Alan Turing became known as the father of early computer science and artificial intelligence. A birth chart can show potential, but the appropriate conditions and choices must align so that the maximum potential unfolds.
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View your relationship through the prism of astrology. Dating? Is there a new person in your life? Can this relationship work? Is this a friendship, a fantasy, or headed for fulfillment? Have you ever met someone who ticked all the boxes, but the relationship fell apart, apparently for no rhyme or reason?
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by Magi Bette
Recent Reviews:
"Your transit trackers are genius!!"
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Order a Transit Tracker to know when important transits will impact your chart. Know when transiting conditions are helpful, ho-hum or harmful in 11 easy-to-understand categories displayed on a color-coded calendar.
Get The Transit Tracker Smart Timing Advantage!
We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more realistic coloring and for repeat clients a Daily Sun/Earth row for current Sun and Earth transits (and eclipses!) in the world chart.
The 2023 Transit Tracker includes the dates as well as the days of the month per numerous requests.
Get a Custom Color Coded Calendar for YOUR Birth Chart's Key Transits. The TRANSIT TRACKER will highlight YOUR personal best days and worst days every month.
The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.
Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations.
By the way -The Magi Society has brought back the Best & Worst Days calendars due to popular demand. Visit to see this month.
Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE
This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.
Magi Astrology
The Key to Success in Love & Money
Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer
Do you want software to create charts, see Cinderella aspects and compare charts?
Join the Magi Society for $80 and renew annually for just $55. Your membership gives you free software and access to articles not available to the public.
Add our unique interpretation modules for an additional $55 each. The interpretations are the best astrological teaching tool the Magi Society offers! Each one has a numerical rating for specific areas such as romance, compatibility, sex, recognition, making money, etc. The heliocentric upgrade costs $110. There are many more upgrades available for those who wish to study Magi Astrology.
If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, visit our website or send me a note.
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu
© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions
All Rights Reserved
All text and contents of this website are protected by intellectual property and copyright law and may not be reproduced, reprinted, or redistributed in any form.
Made in the U.S.A.
Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.
NOTE: All astrological charts displayed for educational purposes on this website were created with AstroGeometry software by the Magi Society. © Copyright 1997-2010 by The Magi Associates, Inc. and Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corp.