Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates
Astrology developed because ancient man needed to predict the seasons.
The beginning of each season marks a crucial turning point.
Each season begins while the Sun is in a Cardinal sign. The third of these Cardinal signs is Libra.

In the second half of September, when the Sun appears in the zodiac sign Libra, we experience the fall equinox.
Once again, the length of daylight and nighttime are equal.
After the fall equinox the days become shorter and periods of nighttime and darkness grow longer in the northern hemisphere.
This is the beginning of autumn, when leaves fall from trees, squirrels gather nuts, some animals begin to grow their winter fur, bears look for their caves, and harvests are completed.
It is time to prepare for the shorter, harsher, darker days of winter that will certainly occur in a few months.
In traditional astrology Libra is considered the sign of relationships and one-on-one interpersonal affairs. It's symbol is the balance or the scales representing the ups and downs of relationships and the need to compare any two things to see which one is more valuable.

Venus is the planet that rules Libra in traditional astrology.
Most astrologers agree that Venus symbolizes beauty, social affairs, and all the qualities that make someone a “gentleman” or “gentlewoman.” Venus always seeks harmony, and is kind. It rules pocket money and possessions rather than great wealth, and is symbolic of the human need for companionship.
In Magi Astrology Venus also symbolizes the ability to coordinate any two things.
Perhaps that is at the root of an old saying, often repeated, that states that “two heads are better than one.”
Magi Bette offers private telephone consultations.
One on One.
It's a Libra thing.
Perhaps you need to plan ahead for the next phase of your life or prepare for the future.
With Magi Bette's help you can plan ahead to choose the best timing to find love or a job (Cinderella Times) launch a business, open a bank account, (Golden Times), choose a life partner, or get married.
Strategize to make your business thrive by choosing the best times to hire a new employee, launch a new product, sign a contract, buy a new car, or remodel your office.
To everything there is a season: an astrological consultation can point out when it is a time to reap or a time to sow.
Consultations take 60 or 90 minutes, but the benefits can last a lifetime.
The longest day of the year occurs in December when the winter solstice takes place and the Sun is in Capricorn. But, don't get depressed and gloomy! This is good news! Read more..
The Sun crosses into the zodiac sign Aries in March. This coincides with the equinox that marks the first official day of spring in the northern hemisphere.... Read more...
Cancer is the sign of the zodiac the Sun appears in when the summer solstice occurs during June. The solstice is the longest day of the year ... Read more..
More ...The Symbolisms of the Planets
In more depth ...Astrology - The Seasons
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Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.