What's ahead in May? Full Moon May 5 in Scorpio with a lunar eclipse*** Happy family times and good vibes indicated May 14, 15, and 16th *** However, the second half of May has some difficult world transits that center around the New Moon of May 19 trine Pluto*** A run of difficult days as the Earth squares Saturn and opposes Sedma in the heliocentric dimension May 18- 21. *** The Sun square Satuen that peaks May 28 is completed so Americans can celebrate a great Memorial Day on the 29th!***

Planning strategies drawn
from the study
of celestial mechanics



Aries 2 Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn aquarius Pisces

Private Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates

Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer


MAY 2023

WHAT'S HAPPENING MAY - Meditation Mantra for MAY - AL JAFFEE: LASTING TALENT, LONG LIFE -- Thoughts & Things --Transit Tracker: Custom Calendars for Your Key Transits - Rhyme & Reason Relationship Reports - Free Ebooks - Join the Magi Society



We come into life with empty hands and leave with memories of love and passion. Dance while symphonies of love and hope vibrate through the universe.

dance of the hours

Gaetano Previati (1852–1920), Dance of the Hours (1899),Gallerie di Piazza Scala, Milan, Italy


What's Happening

Finis Origine Pendet

The end depends upon the beginning.


----- FULL MOON ------

Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) 15 Scorpio

May 5 1:35 PM EDST

----- NEW MOON -----

May 19 11:55 am (EDST) 29.5 Taurus

This Full Moon occurs while Sun and Moon conjunct Sedna, and trine Pluto. The most corrupt and immoral elements of society get a free pass with this powerful trine. However, this can be their downfall, too. On the surface this alignment may look like a favorable time to express simple ambition, and a good time to launch a business (Pluto), but underneath lies the potential for a cascade of problems. Avoid initiating anything of importance between May 18-21.

----- THE SUN & EARTH & MORE -----

A successful project, project, or partnership has its own birth chart, so begin on a "good" day.

Red days are the most challenging.

Green days are the most helpful.

Yellow days need extra caution

Black days indicate eclipse energies.

Set for NY 6 am Eastern Time

Every day can vary in its propensity for a successful outcome.

Some days are better for love, and some are better for money,.but of course, your own chart's transits are the most important.

Mercury turns Direct on May 15 at 13.5 Taurus.

Pluto turns retrograde on May 1 at 0 Aquarius

There is little that can overcome the T-square of Earth, Saturn, and Sedna occuring in heliocentric between May 18- May 21. The George Bush administration started the Iraq War when Earth and Saturn were square and that unsuccessful venture lingered like a thorn in the side of Americans for years—Sedna is even nastier.

Below is the helio chart for May 19. Sure, we want Saturn to limit Sedna's power. BUT, we do not want to natalize Saturn square Earth in a chart, since that leads to failure.

The Magi Society says: “Sedna is symbolic of corruption, lies, and immorality of all kinds. Sedna is ruler of economic and social disasters and upheavals, and moral decay. Sedna represents ILL-GOTTEN gains, wealth stolen from others, profits made illegally or unethically, or at the expense of others. Sedna also represents wealth accumulated from taking advantage of the weaknesses of others.”

Click image to enlarge.


Some people visit astrology sites for entertainment purposes only. Some want guidance. Others want to learn.

Wouldn’t want to bore anyone with a lecture on physics. It is dry stuff. Way back in the distant days of the last century, however, I scored above the 99th percentile in the science block of the SATs.

For those who wonder why eclipses are listed on Magi Bette's Transit Trackers as poor days to initiate anything important look at the quote below from the Journal of Physics.

"During solar eclipse, solar radiation to the Earth is blocked by the Moon. Thus, the ionization process in the ionosphere is disrupted, as well as the variation of geomagnetic field. The disturbance of geomagnetic field is caused by electric current in the E layer of the ionosphere." Journal Of Physics

The monthly mosaic of planetary patterns will show good (or bad!) days in general for natalizing something of great importance. However, remember that the transits to your own chart are always the most important consideration.

.The TRANSIT TRACKER will help you know when the lights are red or green for YOU.

transit tracker


The Ephemera for May 2023 is dedicated to Al Jaffee, creator of Mad Magazine's “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” 

Al Jaffee, a well-known cartoonist, died on April 10, 2023, at age 102. He worked as a professional cartoonist from 1942 until he was 99. His main claim to fame was his work with Mad Magazine, one of the most iconic and original satire magazines of the post WWII era. Jaffee was the inventor of Mad Magazine's intricate back cover "fold ins" that revealed impish illustrated messages.

Al Jaffee was born March 13, 1921, in Georgia, USA to immigrant parents from Lithuania. His religious mother yearned to return to her homeland however, and took all 4 of her boys back to a shtetl in 1927 where they lived a primitive 19th century lifestyle according to Jaffee.

His father shipped him boxes filled with gifts, including comic books, which became Jaffee’s main source of education until he returned to the United States when he was 12.

Natal Sun opposition Saturn might explain his childhood (Sun) isolation and deprivation (Saturn). Natal Grand Trine of Neptune, Chiron, Diana, and Odin plus a few extra assorted space rocks such as Sedna and Midas thrown in for good measure make his Grand Trine quite powerful. Neptune of course is the planet of longevity as well as art.

Notice also another Grand Trine that includes imaginative Juno. Juno can be helpful for the artists of the world.

Jaffee made good use of his talents and numerous trines by enjoying a long, creative life filled with good humor -see how one grand trine includes jolly Jupiter?

click image to enlarge



by Magi Bette


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We have recently updated the Transit Tracker with more realistic coloring and for repeat clients a Daily Sun/Earth row for current Sun and Earth transits (and eclipses!) in the world chart.

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The Rhyme & Reason Romance Relationship Reports have also been updated for those who use them to choose business associates and employees.


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Here is a FREE book about Astrology that was published in 1920 by the astrologer known as Sepharial. HOW TO MAKE AND READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE

This hundred year old text is certainly quaint and dated, but it still contains some gems. There are some basics about astrology that may expand your mind while your outside activities are limited.

Magi Astrology

The Key to Success in Love & Money

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The Cosmic Weather Alert System displays two weeks in advance, hour by hour,so you can choose the best day and hours based on all astrobodies. This is currently available free of charge from the Magi Society's public website.

Members of the Magi Society in good standing can view the Cosmic Weather calendar at least 60 days in advance at the Member's Only Website or by asking for access to the Cosmic Weather app. Anyone can become a member by making a payment of $80 on the Member's Only landing page link above.

Joining the Magi Society costs $55 per year in annual dues plus a one time $25 initiation fee ($80). Membership entitles you to free software, access to Member Only articles, and discounts on the new web based apps. Plus we have numerous upgrades including world class interpretations




Magi Bette is the Membership Director of the Magi Society and a Certified Magi Astrologer

Do you want software to create charts, see Cinderella aspects and compare charts?

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If you sincerely want to join the Magi Society or want a customized software package, visit our website or send me a note.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” Sun-Tzu


© 2004-2023 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions All Rights Reserved
Made in the U.S.A.

Website Logo Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful, sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.






“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” ― Terry Pratchett, Diggers

“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” ― Nora Ephron

" We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.” ― Elie Wiesel

" There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

" Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." --- Ben Franklin


Traditional astrology relies on predictions that guess at what might happen.

Magi Bette offers proactive astrology that tells you how and when you can MAKE things happen!



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"There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance."-- Ronald Reagan 1964




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Cinderella Times

Heartbreak Transits



Golden Times

Poorhouse Transits

Symbolisms of the Planets

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