Consultations * Relationship Analysis * Business Planning * Choosing Optimum Dates

Anyone who studies traditional astrology will at some time or other hear that Mercury retrograde periods create communication breakdowns, clerical mistakes and are terrible times for signing documents or agreements.
Did someone forget to tell the document signers below that Mercury was Retrograde?
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 and after more than 200 years is still a functioning agreement. The chart for July 4, 1776 has Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees Cancer.
The European Union was founded November 1, 1993 while Mercury was retrograde.
The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909, with Mercury retrograde.
Approximately 18% of the human population was born while Mercury was retrograde. This doesn’t mean they can’t think, communicate or have trouble signing contracts!
If Mercury Retrograde is so bad, then why are these well-known actors, writers and performers born with natal Mercury retrograde?
Actor Alan Alda was born January 28, 1936 with Mercury retrograde.
Musician Paul McCartney born June 18, 1942 with Mercury retrograde
Novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky born November 11, 1821 with Mercury retrograde.
Singer Madonna born August 16, 1958 with Mercury retrograde.
Prolific romance novelist (723 novels) Barbara Cartland born July 9, 1901 with Mercury retrograde.
Inventor and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, born February 24, 1955 with Mercury retrograde.
Author Margaret Atwood, born November 18, 1939
with Mercury retrograde.
Retrograde motion is the APPARENT change of direction of a planet through the sky. It is not REAL.The planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and their relative speeds as they travel around the Sun.
You have probably been in a car with another car moving next to yours in the same direction. Maybe you are both drifting forward towards a stop light. If that other car is slightly slower than yours, it will seem to you that it goes backwards, when in fact it goes forward. The phenomenon of retrograde motion works in a similar way.
Planets appear to move more slowly when they are nearing a change of direction, offering time to understand the meanings of their influence more fully (if that retrograde planet happens to align with your own chart). This is the reason that traditional astrology considers planets in retrograde to be more introspective in influence.
It is possible that a retrograde planet is a good thing.
Retrograde periods give us a chance for "do over."
In Magi Astrology, if a natal planet is transited by a planet that turns retrograde to make the same alignment again, then direct and creates the same aspect a third time, it is called a "looped transit."
Example: Your natal Neptune is at 1 degree Sagittarius and transiting Chiron reaches 1 degree Aries, making a trine. (hurray! That is a Cinderella Transit!) Then Chiron turns retrograde at 2 degrees Aries and travels backwards to 1 degree Aries, making another trine. Then Chiron continues backwards to 27 Pisces,where it stops, changes to direct motion and moves ahead. It then makes a trine for a third time to your natal Neptune.
If the aspect formed is a Cinderella Transit then this is a VERY GOOD THING!
For instance, Jupiter could form a trine to natal Chiron, turn retrograde and make the trine again, then turn direct and make a third trine aspect.
Who wouldn't want a series of three Cinderella Transits?
If a transiting planet changes direction while making a significant aspect to a natal chart planet and the retrograde transiting planet is Saturn, however, this may be a very challenging looped transit.
Mercury is a NEUTRAL planet that is neither good or bad. It could be said to absorb energy from whatever planet it aspects. If a retrograde Mercury makes an aspect to your natal Jupiter the thoughts you absorb will be optimisitic, expansive and uplifting, but if retrograde Mercury loops your natal Saturn your thoughts may be concentrated upon problems, ambitions, necessities and accuracy.
In Magi Astrology the geocentric system and the heliocentric system are used.
In the heliocentric system planets never appear retrograde.
In any case, planets do not move backwards in the solar system—retrograde motion is only a trick of the eye from our perspective on earth.
Mercury appears retrograde three times a year for approximately three weeks.
Mercury Retrograde 2018 Eastern Time
March 22 – April 15
July 25 – August 18
November 16 – December 6
Mercury Retrograde 2019 Eastern Time
March 5 – March 28
July 7 – July 31
October 31 – November 20
Mercury Retrograde 2020 Eastern Time
February 16 -March 9
June 17 – July 12
October 13 – November 3
Mercury Retrograde 2021 Eastern Time
Jan 30 – Feb 20
May 29 – June 22
September 26- October 18
Get a FREE E BOOK! Magi Astrology is based on the teachings of the Magi Society and their three books, “Astrology Really Works,” “The Key to Success in Love and Money,” and the “Magi Society Ephemeris.” These books are out of print but used copies can be found online but we do offer a free ebook.
The first 14 chapters of Magi Astrology: “The Key to Success in Love and Money”
Plan ahead for the next phase of your life or prepare for the future.
With Magi Bette's help you can plan ahead to choose the best timing to find love or a job (Cinderella Times) launch a business, open a bank account, (Golden Times), choose a life partner, or get married.
Strategize to make your business thrive. Choose the best times to hire a new employee, launch a new product, sign a contract, buy a new car, or remodel your office.
To everything there is a season: an astrological consultation can point out when it is a time to reap or a time to sow.
Consultations take 60 or 90 minutes, but the benefits can last a lifetime.
© 2004-2018 Magi Bette & Solstice Point Productions All Rights Reserved
Made in the U.S.A.
Artwork Credit: Alphonse Mucha (1860 – 1939) This Czechoslovakian Art Nouveau artist became
famous in the fin de siecle period after his poster of actress Sarah Bernhardt became a
sensation. His work often celebrates the beauty of women. His posters and artwork are colorful,
sensual, filled with detail and rich with symbolism.